Sunday, September 16, 2012

You are electricity.

 Electricity is a mysterious entity which surrounds us, apparently operates everything, including us. Science is making slow progress in understanding and control it. It was not until the discovery of subatomic particles a little over a hundred years ago, that we even began to learn how it works. Electricity is something we don't usually think about until we don't have it. We just flip the light switch, turn on the television or the video games and expect them to work, just like we expect our brains to function on demand.

Electricity seems to be several different things at the same time, is apparently both matter and energy.  If you consult the experts, you come up with a variety of confusing answers: electricity is a fundamental property of matter, so in order to create electricity, we have to create matter, which is impossible.  It's thought to be a type of low-frequency radio wave which is made of protons, but travels at the speed of light.

The ancient Greeks, originally those near the city of Magnesia, and also the early Chinese knew about strange and rare stones (possibly chunks of iron ore struck by lightning) with the power to attract iron. In physics, magnetism is one of the phenomena by which materials exert attractive and repulsive forces on other materials, because every magnet contains two distinct regions, one known as the north pole and one, the south pole. Magnetism arises whenever electrically charged particles are in motion—such as the movement of electrons in an electric current passing through a wire or conductor..

An electric generator is a device used to convert mechanical energy into electrical energy, based on the principle of "electromagnetic induction" discovered in 1831 by Michael Faraday, who discovered that if an electric conductor, like a copper wire, is moved through a magnetic field, electric current will flow (be induced) in the conductor. So the mechanical energy of the moving wire is converted into the electric energy of the current that flows in the wire.

The Earth’s core consists of an inner solid core which is surrounded by an outer liquid core approx. 3,000 km below our feet. Both the liquid core and the solid core consist primarily of iron and nickel, and it is the movements in the outer liquid part of the Earth’s core which create the Earth’s magnetic field, like a generator without wires.

The Earth's surface, the atmosphere and the ionosphere, together are known as the global atmospheric electrical circuit. There is always free electricity in the air and in the clouds, which acts by induction on the earth and electromagnetic devices, which is sometimes negative and sometimes positive, but most generally positive, and the intensity of this free electricity is greater in the middle of the day than at morning or night and is greater in winter than in summer. In fine weather, the potential increases with altitude at about 30 volts per foot (100 V/m). So, for a six foot human that is a potential of about 180 volts between the head and feet.

The atmosphere contains electricity of an opposite kind to that of the Earth. Different layers, or strata, of the atmosphere, located at only small distances from each other, are frequently found to be in different electric states of enormous voltages that disrupts the air and produces the phenomena of lightning. This is due to the condensation of the watery vapor forming the clouds; each minute drop, as it moves through the air, collects upon its surface a certain amount of free electricity. Then, as these tiny drops coalesce into larger drops, with a corresponding decrease in the relative surface exposed, the electric potential rises until it overcomes the resisting power of the air.

If the quantity of water that is condensed in and subsequently precipitated from a cloud is known, then the total energy of a thunderstorm can be calculated. In an average thunderstorm, the energy released amounts to about 10,000,000 kilowatt-hours (3.6×1013 joule), which is equivalent to a 20-kiloton nuclear warhead. A large, severe thunderstorm might be 10 to 100 times more energetic.

Energies moving through the earth along the magnetic fields from inner earth creates huge energy fields. The earth's magnetic poles emanate energy fields following the magnetic poles have a vibration ranging from very high frequencies, down to lower frequencies, which can sometimes come within the range of human sight -- Aurora Borealis, which is made when storms on the the sun form solar winds, or large streams of charged particles streaming toward the earth. These streams should have upward of ten million megawatts of electrical power. The electrical power of Aurora Borealis is enormous.

The total energy radiated by the Sun averages 383 billion trillion kilowatts, the equivalent of the energy generated by 100 billion tons of TNT exploding each and every second. As early as 1919, Larmor put forward the hypothesis that the Sun's magnetic field is generated by a "dynamo" effect, in other words by the movement of a fluid that conducts electricity. Because of their highly chaotic (turbulent) nature, the analysis of geophysical and astrophysical flows is beyond the current capacities of numerical simulations, and, until now, has thwarted all attempts at a theoretical approach.

Earth itself is largely protected from the solar wind by its magnetic field, which deflects most of the charged particles; however some of the charged particles are trapped in the Van Allen radiation belt. A smaller number of particles from the solar wind manage to travel, as though on an electromagnetic energy transmission line, to the Earth's upper atmosphere and ionosphere in the auroral zones. The only time the solar wind is observable on the aurora.

We know that  so much electrical energy emanates from the sun that nuclear electromagnetic pulses, as well as the DC-like currents induced by a large solar super storm, are likely to overheat thousands of transformers that are connected to long wires, which could knock out the backbone of our digital civilization, taking power grids, satellites and other communications systems offline for hours, possibly even days. The Sun's electromagnetic rays ionizes the particulate matter of the ionosphere which remains ionized throughout the shadow of night and develops broadband and long wavelength Radio Frequency energy. The ionosphere reflects RF energy and produces multiple echoes (resonance).

Most of the astrophysical objects which surround us (planets, stars and galaxies) have a magnetic field which interacts with planetary neighbors. Such magnetic fields can play a major role in the evolution of various structures throughout the Universe. The Earth's magnetic field, which is apparently caused by the movement of liquid iron in the core, not only makes compass needles point north, but also protects us from the harmful effects of cosmic rays and the solar wind.  Recently, a planet has been located with a magnetic field which is apparently transferring energy to the star's chromosphere.


Compared to these enormous stellar and planetary voltages, the currents within the human body are small and more subtle and complex. Your body is composed of trillions of cells which are generating electricity.  You are something like a powerful portable, battery operated computer. Your digestive system takes the electrolytes out of the food you consume, and your cells use sodium and potassium to generate and store electricity. Your nervous system is a sort of electrical matrix that is programmed to allow you to navigate through time and space.

Human electricity creates human magnetism and electromagnetic energy waves. Nerve impulses travel through the nervous system and brain and are human electricity created by chemical processes in the body. The nervous system is a network of billions of nerve cells called neurons with around 100 billion neurons in the brain itself. Apparently. consciousness arises from or is a part of the electric current system in the brain. The subconscious can process about 90 percent more data than the conscious mind, so it is usually in charge. And the emotions can also override the conscious mind, so the intelligent thing is to avoid mismanaged expectations, using whatever tools you can find.

Humans have an energy field similar to the earth's magnetic field as a kind of aura, as can be found on many living beings. The human has an aura seems to be a representation of magnetic fields of the human body that emanate above the head, and from the various energy points of the body known as marmas and  chakras, which is a Sanskrit term meaning wheel or disc. In this tradition, energy moves through the aura through millions of tiny streams of energy called “nadis”. (Nadi is a Sanskrit word from the root “nad” meaning movement.) The nadis are an intricate and extensive network of fluid energies, and are involved in absolutely every structure and activity of the human body. They underlie the functioning of the nervous system.

A subtle body is one of a series of psycho-spiritual constituents of living beings, according to various esoteric, occult, and mystical teachings.  The subtle body corresponds to our internal sky, which is subject to the laws of karma and astrology. The art and science of astrology, which bridges the ancient and modern worlds, is a very problematic subject. On the one hand, it has been justly castigated by modern scientists as a throwback to superstitious thinking. And it is a topic where a great many people with very little knowledge pretending to be experts. On the other hand, it is an expression of humanity's perennial yearning for a comprehensive understanding of our unity with the cosmos.

Very likely there is much more to astrology than has yet been discovered. As science inevitably discovers more about the electromagnetic nature of the universe, subtle energies, chi and alternative medicine,  electromagnetic brainwaves, nanotechnology, and quantum reality. It seems reasonable to expect that astrology the New Age should prove to be very interesting.

 In the antique cultures, only a few very wealthy or powerful people could have the benefits of an good astrologer as it was a very specialized and time consuming procedure. But since the processes has been computerized anyone can get a print out of the relationships between the planets at a given time and place of birth. But the interpretation is another matter. A good Natal Horoscope explains the basics of how your matrix is programmed. It is a bit like looking at a computer's hard drive just to know the arrangement of folders and files. Try to get the big picture of the effects of the large slow moving planets. Another way to think of it as having a map of a territory where you will be traveling.

A simple approach is to study how the moon changes signs about every 2 1/2 days, and has regular monthly and yearly cycles, so it isn't all that complicated to follow a moon sign booklet until you learn what to expect. For example, the administrators of  public institutions in large cities often learn that certain full moons require staff to be temporarily increased, especially in hospitals and jails.

So there are a few old, proven techniques to help stay centered and balanced. Probably the most useful are some sort of meditation and mindfulness. These often employ breathing techniques. If you have used a wood burning stove, you probably learned to adjust the air intake vent to control how fast the fuel is consumed. Breathing techniques are do much the same. Hyperventilating breaths deliver a burst of oxygen to the brain to sharpen the attention to mindfulness, then a deep slow breath slows down the brainwave pattern from beta, to alpha, and with some skill you can move into delta, also known as the hypnagogic state, where there is more access into the subconscious mind.

These are some ways to work with psychological issues and problems. The most universal such problem is bad programming (garbage in, garbage out). For example, being made to feel as a child that you are not good enough, is without doubt one of the all time greatest challenges of our species. By quietening the mind and emotions you also can step back and begin to gain subtlety -- synthesis and interpretation (overview) of the issues overloading the conscious mind and your overall tolerances for stress.

If you think of your physical existence as the sum of all your electromagnetic vibrations, then you might think of your consciousness as the sum of all your attention and intention. Whatever your vibrations are is what you will attract, according to The Law of Attraction. But the fact is that approach and avoidance is mostly subconscious, so whatever or whomever you may may think you really want, your subconscious agenda may be that you are somehow unworthy.

 "Peace is its own Reward" - Gandhi

Compassion is always the answer. Every unkind thought or mean action boomerangs, subconsciously lowers your self esteem . At the end of your life if you can look back and say "I liked being me, and I am glad I was here," can anything else matter as much?


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