Saturday, September 14, 2024

New Dimensions


"We are already deep into the trajectory towards collapse. -Will Steffen

Climate change is a grave and mounting threat to our well being and a healthy planet. Ecosystem collapse, species extinction, deadly heatwaves and floods are among the "dangerous and widespread disruptions” the world will face over the next two decades due to global warming.

  1. Many of the features of the Earth System that are being damaged or lost constitute ‘tipping points’ that could well link to form a ‘tipping cascade...’
  2. Eternal growth is not possible.
  3. Governments are failing and we need to get rid of capitalism (the top 1% own the vast majority of the world’s wealth).
  4. No new fossil fuel developments can be tolerated.
  5. The Military Industrial Complex Is More Powerful Than Ever
  6. The Global economy outlook worsens as global recession looms. -Economic Inequality.
  7. Public education is in crisis.
  8. The American political system is broken.
  9. Our food system is broken.
  10. Digital addiction is a big problem.   -Historical untruths misshaped the world.
  11. Religion is failing us and is becoming more dangerous. -  Paul Wallis
  12.  The Crisis of Meaning
  13. Extraterrestrials are here and have been for a very long time
The list above is what is happening in the phsysical world. But there is another world which is the electrical or spiritual world. Before anything exists phsysically it must first exist electrically. Physical abuse damages the electrical self while psychological damage affects the physical body.

This is how ancient structures were assembled from hundred ton stone blocks because there were and are beings who can interact with the electrical or non-physical reality. This also explains psychic ability and energy healings. Among the early humans there were those who interacted with spirits and the spiritual world.

It may be that it was passed down to some humans genetically who were intimate with extraterrestrials. But over time the genes for extra-sensory perceptions diminished ove the generations. But if two parents both have the recessive genes the offspring are more likely to be psychic or have healing abilities.

So we might think about a list that can counter the above list of problems with a list of opportunities which can be thought of as spiritual or psychological talents or gifts. In Indian religions, Siddhis (Sanskrit: सिद्धि siddhi; fulfillment, accomplishment) are material, paranormal, supernatural, or otherwise magical powers, abilities, and attainments that are the products of yogic advancement through sādhanās such as meditation and yoga. The term ṛddhi (Pali: iddhi, "psychic powers") is often used interchangeably in Buddhism. Siddhi is a Sanskrit noun which can be translated as "knowledge", "accomplishment", "attainment", or "success"

The Visuddhimagga is one of the texts to give explicit details about how spiritual masters were thought to actually manifest supernormal abilities. It states that abilities such as flying through the air, walking through solid obstructions, diving into the ground, walking on water and so forth are achieved through changing one element, such as earth, into another element, such as air. The individual must master kasina meditation before this is possible. Dipa Ma, who trained via the Visuddhimagga, claimed to have these abilities, but her claim was never independently verified.

To simplify, we might think of people who have a talent for music, art, or some other skill that other people would have to earn as a skill. According to different sources, below are the eight classical siddhis (Ashta Siddhi) or eight great perfections:
  • Aṇimā: the ability to reduce one's body to the size of an atom.
  • Mahimā: the ability to expand one's body to an infinitely large size.
  • Laghimā: the ability to become weightless or lighter than air.
  • Garimā: the ability to become heavy or dense.
  • Prāpti: the ability to realize whatever one desires.
  • Prākāmya: the ability to access any place in the world.
  • Īśitva: the ability to control all material elements or natural forces.
  • Vaśitva: the ability to force influence upon anyone
The solar flares hitting earth today are said by some that this is actually causing the molecules of our planet to vibrate faster. And our rate of vibrations of or bodies are also increasing. Understanding the 3rd dimension (from a metaphysical viewpoint) can help us grasp these concepts and differentiate between the 3rd, 4th, and 5th dimensions. Albert Einstein introduced the concept of the universe as having more than a 3D reality when he developed the theory of relativity. His theory “postulated to explain how light moves at a constant speed relative to all observers, can best be expressed in four dimensions.

Dimensions are simply the different facets of what we perceive to be reality. We are immediately aware of the three dimensions that surround us on a daily basis – those that define the length, width, and depth of all objects in our universes (the x, y, and z axes, respectively). Beyond these three visible dimensions, scientists believe that there may be many more. In fact, the theoretical framework of superstring theory posits that the universe exists in 10 different dimensions which govern the universe.”     —Jolene Creighton, Futurism

Third dimensional frequencies have a slower, denser rate of movement in the atmosphere. In these slower rates of movement are sometimes described as "low vibes" corresponding with coarse thoughts or behavior and stress. In these slower rates of movement, this is where suffering can live. This is because lower frequencies are where the energy of fear, ego and illusion reside. These states can be very difficult particularly for individuals with low self-esteem, or who are living with high levels of stress. So, in the 3rd dimension you are more likely experience a feeling of separation and powerlessness from time to time.

The fourth dimension can be accessed through mindful practices and activities such as: meditation, art, music, yoga, breathing, writing, walks in nature and more. With discipline and practices 4D frequencies help you dissolve the layers of fear so you can step into your true power. This is where you start learning to function on earth as a being of unlimited possibility. You will naturally detach from money, fame, popularity as these are all illusions held by third dimensional frequencies.

The 5th dimension is where pure unconditional love resides. You know you are in the 5th dimension when you no longer feel the need nor the desire to control or manage what is happening, it just is. Instead, you are in awe of the beauty and magic of life. The 5th dimension is like heaven on earth. The spiritual 5th Dimension (5D) is the realm of higher intelligent life forms, including most Extraterrestrials (ETs), and is often described as 'Heaven on Earth'. Being psychic simply means that you perceive more of our non-physical reality.

Some individuals may resist 5D frequencies and that is okay. We all have freewill. Yet those of us who are open to receiving 5th dimensional energy will benefit greatly.

So, Earth is transitioning to a new state of consciousness now. But its ascension will not become a fully realized experience until the proportion of 5D people reaches a point where psychic skills are normal, accessible, and commonplace. When that happens, we can expect:

  • A new paradigm for science, medicine, and education, including unlimited free electricity and access to medical care; new healing modalities that are more individually and spiritually based; alternative forms of transportation that use frequency shifts over physical movement; and new learning systems that incorporate 4D/5D technologies and skills, starting from the youngest ages.
  • A new way of relating to each other and to the rest of our world and universe, including awareness of the underlying oneness of human diversity and our natural environments; cooperation instead of competition to end wars, conflicts, and poverty; and regular communication and cooperation with 4th and 5th Dimensional beings from other planets and higher dimensions.