Showing posts sorted by relevance for query Billy Carson. Sort by date Show all posts
Showing posts sorted by relevance for query Billy Carson. Sort by date Show all posts

Thursday, August 8, 2024

Billy Carson



 Billy Carson is one of the most interesting people currently available to the public.

Billy Camrick Carson II (born September 4,1971) is an American entrepreneur, author, music artist, TV host, producer, actor, director, and expert in Ancient Civilizations. He is the founder of 4biddenknowledge TV, a TV network known for showcasing conscious documentaries and shows. He is also the co-founder of the First Class Space Agency and its subsidiary United Family of Anomaly Hunters (UFAH).

Billy Carson, throughout his career, has worked for renowned TV shows featuring on large TV networks including, The Travel Channel, The History Channel, and The Discovery Channel. He is also two times Best Selling author and host of Deep Space, a series that explores the Secret Space Program, and reveals extraordinary technologies and their potential origins. Carson has been featured in several media outlets including Inc, Entrepreneur, Thrive Global, Yahoo, HuffPost, and others.

He attended Harvard University and has  read "thousands of books," and is quite apparently able to synthesize broad areas of knowledge in a unique way. For example he bridges the huge gap between prehistory and contemporary cultures. And he doesn't shy away from "forbidden knowledge." So he seems to have already resolved  various taboo topics and  boldly asserts his own conclusions.

While others hum and haw and tip-toe around huge historical issues he doesn't shy away from historical religious issues, or even Extraterrestrials, Carson demonstrates the two topics are interwoven. Carson's assertion of Pre-Adamites arriving on Earth 55,000-65,000 years ago challenges the entire popular historical narrative about Ancient Civilizations. His presentation Beyond Mythology: The Lost Story of Humanity unearths a forgotten tale of the birth of mankind. Amidst ancient texts, a warring extraterrestrial civilization  sparks the creation of humans, bestowed with the power to transcend imposed boundaries.

Wednesday, December 29, 2021

Science vs Religion

Modern science is objective analysis, while spirituality is subjective
and intuitive understanding. Science can be measured. Religion, not so much. Religion is based on faith while science is based on logic. That is why the two are often not compatible. But both are seeking to answer some of the same questions.

Since all societies, after all, seem to have religions of some sort it must have a social purpose. While the theology based forms are only a few thousand years old and characteristic of post-agricultural societies, the shamanic forms apparently date back for thousands if not millions of years.

But religion presents a particular puzzle, since it often involves extremely costly behaviors, such as altruism and, at times, even self-sacrifice. So we should also look beyond the individual to the survival of the group, and they could generate cohesive social bonds to form primary groups.

Family structure is the invisible set of functional demands that organizes the ways in which family members interact. Family structures of some kind are found in every society.

The family is a unique social system with its own structure and patterns of communication. These patterns are determined by many factors, including the parents' beliefs and values, the personalities of all family members, and the influence of the extended multigenerational family (grandparents, aunts, and uncles).

The traditional family structure is conceptualized as the configuration of family which is organized according to roles, rules, power, and hierarchies. As the core institution of society, the family affects all other aspects of society. This is especially true of politics. Political leanings are notably influenced by both family structure and family values. Intermarriage between groups, tribes, or clans was often political or strategic and resulted in reciprocal obligations.

Family structures are different depending on the tribe. It is probably generally true that in hunter-gather societies men generally hunted, while women generally gathered. In regions where they ate mostly plant materials they were more likely to be matriarchal, while others were patriarchal if they ate mostly meat. A Matriarchal family structure describes a household where the mother is the authoritative figure. A Patriarchal family structure describes a household where the father is the authoritative figure.

Animism is an ancient philosophy that views everything in Nature as having an indwelling spirit/soul, including the plants, rocks, waters, winds, fires, animals, humans, and other life forms. Animism is the foundation of shamanism and has been considered the earliest form of human religion on planet Earth.

Nature spirits are believed to be various types of beings or spirits which inhabit Nature. The belief in their existence was almost universal in the ancient era of religions which embodied animist religion. An intimate relationship with the environment is apparently built into the human psyche. Historically, nature, mountains, rivers, trees, the sun, the moon have always been honored in ancient cultures.

Cultures around the world recognize the existence of spirit beings that come in many forms. People in much of the world recognize and have reverence for an abundance of spirits, seen and unseen beings with a direct tie to nature.

Together, they are thought to maintain our world’s balance by guarding it and harmonizing with each other. They can do that as spirits or as attachments on natural living things. They usually live where nature is untouched by humans. This could mean in the deep forests, secluded rivers, volcanic areas, and mountain tops. They could also be among plants, trees, beaches, deserts, or wide and open spaces.

Some spitits are thought to have originated from the belief that ethereal elements are the building blocks of nature. This then progressed into elementals being defined by the gentiles as unknown but powerful forces that affected men and the surroundings.

The belief is that there are a number of spirits who mostly live in nature including animals, water, and the earth. Ancestral Spirits—the spirits of dead ancestors often played an important part in traditional religion. The core of shamanism is the belief in, and acknowledgment of, spirits and the spirit world. A shaman is a person who has become "a master of spirits, at least of a group of spirits."

Before there was science or religion a master of spirits was consulted for help with illness and all sorts of problems which didn't have practical solutions. The shaman uses his powers to render the spirits' activities ineffective or favorable by appropriate words and ceremonies. The shaman does this by communicating with spirits at will, often through induced ecstasy or even possession by a spirit that imparts to him intense mental states, superhuman strength or infused knowledge.

In many groups the shaman outranked the war chief, marking the beginning of the church domination of the state. The shaman sometimes functioned as a priest and even as a priest-king. The benefits and privileges of a kingdom are only accessible to citizens having the favor of the king.

Some would say that science is predicated on the assumption of materialism which is neither provable nor scientific. Materialism is a form of philosophical monism which holds matter to be the fundamental substance in nature, and all things, including mental states and consciousness, are results of material interactions.

The problem is that science has delivered power into the hands of the greedy and faith has delivered power into the hands of hierocratic authorities. Which leaves the rest of us out in the cold of oppression. And we are quite literally sick of it—and so is the planet!

A lot of us are just looking for somebody to blame so we can absolve ourselves from any part we have played in it. We have been grounded in the superficial values of materialism. We have become so conditioned that many don't even trust intuition, much less have any sort of intimacy with nature. The pandemic is only a distraction from the larger issue of our earth crisis.

Even if all religions were wrong, that doesn't prove that does or does not exist. We are in the wilderness. It is not a question of returning or getting back to the way it was. There is no re acquainting to do. It's about learning how to be and acknowledging that the way it was is wrong.Growing up means stripping away our pretenses.

Who will we choose to become? In times of catastrophe, the collective consciousness is going from one state to another. It is a kind of initiation. In the face of chaos the religious domain and the factual domain are being brought together.

The good news is that neuroscience is telling us that we can literally rewire our brains which can go a long way toward becoming healthier and happier.

Tuesday, June 7, 2016

New Age Ideas

Obtaining the wisdom of those who came before us was not always easy to accomplish. Historically most people were unable to read and write. In very ancient times tablets of stone were interpreted by a powerful few who often had their own agenda. The result was usually rules rather than principles, and most people had little knowledge or power.

Now we have various electronic media that affords most of us the opportunity to see or hear the wisdom of the most wise at our own convenience. But curiously we often ignore this opportunity. Choosing entertainment over wisdom may cost us dearly. Failure to comprehend our new paradigm is a mistake we can scarcely afford, and all future generations may hold us accountable.

Anyway, the possibility that you can hold the wisdom of the world in the palm of your hand is pretty cool!

 The Age of Spiritual Machines is a non-fiction book by inventor and futurist Ray Kurzweil about artificial intelligence and the future course of humanity. Kurzweil predicts machines with human-level intelligence will be available from affordable computing devices within a couple of decades, revolutionizing most aspects of life.  He believes evolution provides evidence that humans will one day create machines more intelligent than they are.

Mr.Kurzweil's idea remains to be seen, but it is apparent that the "mechanical revolution" is increasingly doing away with work, effort. Most of our food, shelter, transportation has been mechanized, but also science, medicine and entertainment.

Indeed materialist philosophers have argued that man is some sort of machine. But materialism remains unsatisfying, because it seems inadequate to explain our deeper selves -our aspirations for transcendence, for freedom, and the beatific vision. Materialism and spirituality have long been pitted against each other, but computerized intelligence is making some interesting inroads into our personal identity through cognitive reprogramming.

There is ever increasing scientific evidence that you can actually change the structure of your brain by just thinking about it. It was believed until recently that each of us was born with a finite number of neural cells and when a cell died no new cell could grow. This old model of the brain's inability to regenerate new nerve cells is no longer relevant. It has been proven that the brain can generate fresh cells.

This new understanding of neural cell generation is an incredible discovery. New studies have shown that new neural cells are generated throughout life as well as new neural pathways. Even the elderly are capable of creating measurable changes in brain organization.

Neuro-plasticity, also known as brain plasticity, is a term that describes lasting change to the brain. The term Neuro-plasticity is derived from the root words Neuron and Plastic. A neuron refers to the nerve cells in our brain. Each individual neural cell is made up of an axon, dendrites, and is linked to one another by a small space called the synapses. The word plastic means to mold, sculpt, or modify. Neuro-plasticity refers to the potential that the brain has to reorganize by creating new neural pathways to adapt, as it needs. Think of the neurological changes being made in the brain as the brain's way of tuning itself to meet your needs.

The more you focus and practice something the better you become at the new skill that you are learning or an obstacle you are trying to overcome. By doing this new neural connections are created in the brain as synapses that don't usually fire together do, which help us to sharpen our new skill.

The implications of neuro-plasticity are profound, but there has been another recent and related discovery which may be even more profound. It is called Epigenitics. The new field of epigenetics shows that people enter the world with a particular genetic code, however genes are not controlled by DNA, but by environmental influences. So epigenetic control of gene expression (the switching on and switching off of genes) is an intelligent response to the environment.

 Epigenetic changes can be transmitted from one generation to another, which is faster than the evolutionary changes resulting from natural selection. Epigenetics turns on its head the conventional wisdom of genetic determinism, the belief that genes predetermine biological and behavioral traits. It implies that we are not victims of heredity.

Neuro-plasticity and Epigenetics together form the basis of a new approach to health and happiness. The Law of Attraction is the name given to the maxim "like attracts like" which in New Thought philosophy is used to sum up the idea that by focusing on positive or negative thoughts a person brings positive or negative experiences into their life. This belief is based upon the idea that people and their thoughts are both made from "pure energy", and the belief that like energy attracts like energy. Quantum Thinking is based on a combination of NLP, Quantum Physics, and Positive Psychology.

This law of attraction simply says that you attract into your life whatever you think about. Your dominant thoughts will find a way to manifest. If you are stressed out or have too many dark and gloomy thoughts you might get sick. The first step to using the law of attraction is shifting to more positive way of thinking.

But there is a catch. the subconscious mind is much more powerful that the conscious mind and the subconscious is preoccupied with survival. Too many variables or stress overwhelms the stream of consciousness and instinct takes over. At any time each cell can be either in a growth mode or a protection mode and remaining in the protection mode too long impedes cell development, and it goes wrong in disease.

Apparently the greatest challenge to humanity is a lot of subconscious beliefs that we are undeserving, not good enough, smart enough, rich enough, or attractive enough to stay well and happy. So we unwittingly sabotage ourselves.

While we often think of our bodies and minds as two distinct entities, it turns out they are much more entwined than we might assume.  Mind over matter is a phrase that essentially refers to one's ability to use will power over physical limitations - and this is the central theme of the New Age.

Using the internet to improve the quality of your life keeps easier and more affordable. A finger nail sized memory chip in an Ultra Compact MP3 Player costing just a few dollars can hold hundreds of hours of self-motivation audio files that can apparently alter your subconscious mind and help you to overcome problems and reach your goals to become healthier and happier.

If you don't like iTunes or iPods,  Agptek offers a pretty good and inexpensive MP3 players on Or you can transfer audio files to your cell phone, though you may want to add more memory.

Here is a brief synopsis of some of the topics on this blog

  • Channeling - receiving or transmitting information from non-physical sources
  • Consciousness - explosive growth over the past three decades
  • Extra-Terrestrial -extraterrestrials have visited Earth for millions of years.
  •  Gregg Braden- science, spirituality and human potential
  • Joe Dispenza - the science behind spontaneous remissions
  • Jude Currivan -cosmologist, planetary healer, futurist, author
  • Matthew LaCroix - the secrets of lost civilizations
  • Past Lives Learn how to access your past life memories
  • Paul Wallace -sheds light on ET contact, military conflicts, and ancient writings
  • Robert J. Gilbert -a Renaissance man for the modern age
  • Science -came to be the dominant arbiter of what counts as genuine knowledge
  • Shaman - the belief that spirits are everywher
  • Simulation -the possibility of our reality being created by a more advanced civilization
  • Spirituality- divinity is not what we fhought it was
  • Suzanne Giesemann -she requires validation for channeled information, see free stuff
If there is one person able to summarizes all of the above it may well be 
Billy Carson a researcher of ancient civilizations, spirituality and technology.

Thursday, December 7, 2023

Religion and Spirituality

There is much talk about deconstructing religion in light of recent discoveries of the nature of organized religion. The Internet often presents only two choices: Christian or Atheist. Unfortunately, most people also assume that spirituality and religion are one and the same, but this assumption is wrong.

eligion generally refers to organized systems of beliefs, rituals, and practices around a deity or deities, with an established community of followers.
Religion presents you a set of beliefs, dogmas and "holy men" as intermediaries between you and "God."
The history of religion refers to the written record of human religious feelings, thoughts, and ideas. This period of religious history probably begins with the invention of writing about ~5,200 years ago. The prehistory of religion involves the study of religious beliefs that existed prior to the advent of written records.

Four religions— Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, and Buddhism —account for over 77% of the world's population, and 92% of the world either follows one of those four religions or identifies as nonreligious, meaning that the remaining 9,000+ faiths account for only 8% of the population combined. Only a few decades ago, a Christian identity was so common among Americans that it could almost be taken for granted. As recently as the early 1990s, about 90% of U.S. adults identified as Christians but religion has experienced a sudden decline. However this seems to be a way of clearing out the old to make room for a new perspective, a whole new paradigm.

Religions are supposed to be all about faith and spirituality. However, religion is much like any other organization that has leadership, and has income and expenses like a business. In fact, there’s a lot of money that goes through religious hands, and it isn't necessarily used for charity. The European monarchs all embody the power struggle between church and state over who holds the supreme authority in the physical world.

YouTube and the Internet in general has become a veritable smorgasburd of spiritual ideas. Dr. Robert Gilbert tells us that
this is part of an era of the expansion of esoteric knowledge and consciousness.  The most popular "New Age" theme is about using your mind to alter physical reality. But there is a sinister side to this that you may not be aware of. Artificial intelligence is no longer a far-fetched idea out of a sci-fi movie. We're living with it, here and now. A scammer could rent AI to use artificial intelligence to mimic anybody saying anything.

There is an increasing number of websites where anybody with a computer and the credit card can gain access to very powerful softwares that will
clone the voice and images of  anyone to say anything and make it seem believable. These
cybercriminals are not just taking advantage of people to steal money, but also to represent themselves as gurus or spiritual adepts or prophets qualified to give spiritual advice. There are many such sites on YouTube. Sme AI creations have helped illustrate truth, but Internet discretion is in order.

Over the centuries, the relationship between science and religion has also seen conflict and hostility. But there are recent indications of collaboration. In philosophy of mind, the hard problem of consciousness is to explain why and how humans and other organisms have qualia, phenomenal consciousness, or subjective experiences. The science of "vibes" shows how everything is connected. The "resonance theory of consciousness"  posits that synchronized vibrations are central not only to human consciousness but to all of physical reality. All is energy in vibration.

Spirituality is the belief in something beyond the self that connects all beings to each other and the universe. In a way, this reminds us of household spirits to land, forest, and water spirits, which were a very real part of the daily lives of our ancestors. Shamanism is an ancient spiritual practice found in cultures around the world from ancient times up to the present day. It involves a practitioner (shaman or saman) interacting with the spirit world through altered states of consciousness, such as trance. The goal of this is usually to direct spirits or spiritual energies into the physical world for the purpose of healing, divination, or to aid human beings in some other way. Beliefs and practices categorized as "shamanic" have attracted the interest of scholars from a variety of disciplines, including anthropologists, archeologists, historians, religious studies scholars, philosophers and psychologists.

Spiritualism is a belief system or practice that revolves around the idea of communicating with the spirits. It often involves mediums or psychics who claim to connect with the spirit world. Spirituality encompasses a consciousness-based vision of the world that supports all human beings on their path to awakening in unconditional love and kindness. Spirituality is concerned with the present, while religion deals with the future.

Quantum mechanics may actually strengthen the connection to the divine. A 2004 hybrid film and documentary, What the Bleep Do We Know!? seeks to explain the connections between science and spirituality. The film that explores the connection between quantum physics and consciousness through visual effects, story-telling and interviews with experts. It was a radical departure from convention.

Gamma waves are associated with large-scale coordinated activities like perception, meditation or focused consciousness; beta with maximum brain activity or arousal; and theta with relaxation or daydreaming. These three wave types work together to produce, or at least facilitate, various types of human consciousness, according to Pascal Fries. But the exact relationship between electrical brain waves and consciousness is still very much up for debate.

People in the spiritual community talk a lot about keeping a super high vibration, but what does that really mean? Everyone’s vibration is different, and everyone has a different vibration. High vibration is a thought form. Kindness is a light thought form that can go clear across the universe faster than the speed of light. That is high vibrational energy. A low vibrational energy is a thought that cannot even make it out of the Earth’s energy, such as anger, hatred, or resentment. We use these negative vibrations to keep us grounded on the planet.

Spiritual guides tell us that you have an incredible power inside of you, and you CHOSE to incarnate here and now. If you had a very high vibration, you would actually leave the planet and no longer want to be here anymore.We need to understand that we can reach the highest levels of vibrations and still stay on and help the planet. spiritually importantpeople.                                                                            
Right now there are a lot of people in crisis; our planet is in crisis. A soul always gets to choose whether it will incarnate or not. We are not sent here against our will. All souls are then free to exist in the ether or they can choose to incarnate as humans on earth (or perhaps other beings on other planets.

There are apparently two trillion galaxies in the latest estimate for the number of galaxies in just the observable universe. Each is made up of many stars and  planets and most are much older than our own galaxy. So the idea of humans being the most evolved beings is not realistic. Human technological civilisation only dates back millennia (at most). Just imagine what it might be in a million years or more.

If there are 100 billion suitable planets in our galaxy, if the origin of life is highly probable, if there are billions of years of evolution available on each such planet and if even a small fraction of technical civilizations pass safely through the early stages of technological adolescence, magic and religion

Arthur C. Clarke codified this idea that "Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic." Belief in magic exists in all societies, regardless of whether they have organized religious hierarchy including formal clergy or more informal systems. While such concepts appear more frequently in cultures based in polytheism,
animism, or shamanism. Religion and magic became conceptually separated in the West where the distinction arose between supernatural events sanctioned by approved religious doctrine versus magic rooted in other religious sources. With the rise of Christianity this became characterized with the contrast between divine miracles versus folk religion, superstition, or occult speculation.

The multiverse is the hypothetical set of all universes. Together, these universes are presumed to comprise everything that exists: the entirety of space, time, matter, energy, information, and the physical laws and constants that describe them. Several versions of a generic "multiverse" concept appear in physics.

"All is one" seems to be a state of mind obtainable after extensive meditation of ingestion of hallucinogens may apparently broaden consciousness extensively. Near death experiences frequently have the same result. Often people express this in terms of a transcendent reality beyond mere physical experiences.

On the Internet there are many spiritual people, psychics or people who have psychic or Near Death experiences that are apparently "trancendent" of ordinarily reality. The law of attraction is a philosophy suggesting that positive thoughts bring positive results into a person's life, while negative thoughts bring negative outcomes. It is based on the belief that thoughts are a form of energy and that positive energy attracts success in all areas of life, including health, finances, and relationships.

At death there’s a break in our linear stream of consciousness, and thus a break in the linear connection of times and places, but biocentrism suggests that consciousness is manifold and encompasses many such branches of possibility. Death doesn’t truly exist in any of these; all branches exist simultaneously and continue existing regardless of what happens in any of them. The “me” feeling is energy operating in the brain. But energy never dies; it cannot be destroyed.

5D is a term that is becoming a popular way of describing the shift that is taking place within our consciousness as individuals and as a collective consciousness. There are a few different perspectives on what is 5D, ranging from a physics-based explanation of dimensions to some people who regard the shift to 5D as a specific big event or moment in time that we will go through as a collective.

So it seems that we have uncountable planets in space and uncountable vibrational levels. Is one more real that the other? Or do they correspond so that physical reality is derivative or representative of energy patterns? Recent proof that neither space or time is real, but are energy patterns of vibration, then it may well be that God is not a human-like figure or any creature at all but rather the summation of all vibrations, universes, and everything -- which would be well beyond the comprehension of our brain. Reality is much more than any simulation or computerized program. There is no word in our language for that entity.

The concept of existence is directly related to levels of consciousness.... Our everyday experience is related to the physical realm, where our eyes and mind convince us of the undeniable reality of the material world.. Our physical consciousness is closely connected with this world, and being identified with it, it may seem that this is the only realm that exists. Our physical mind is focused on events and objects in the external physical world. It sees and knows nothing except them and does not go beyond their physical nature. However, there are also many other worlds (or planes of existence), invisible to our physical senses and incomprehensible to our physical consciousness. 

So what it all boils down to is the question: what will you do to manage your consciousness? A lot of negativity is thrown at us every day,just in the media alone. We all encounter bumps in our road.. So will you raise your vibrations from negative to something more worthwhile? And how will we choose to go about

  • In Hinduism there are said to be 330,000,000 gods.The most widely known Hindu gods  are: Ganesha, Shiva, Krishna, Rama, Hanuman, Vishnu, Lakshmi, Durga, Kali, Saraswati.
  • There are 176 Greek God names.
  • There are at least 15 Roman Gods: which are similar to the Greek Gods :Venus is Aphrodite in Roman clothing, while Mars is the Roman version of Ares..  In addition to Venus and Mars, the most significant Roman gods are Diana, Minerva, Ceres, Pluto, Vulcan, Juno, Mercury, Vesta, Saturn, Proserpina, Neptune, and Jupiter.
  • Egyptian Gods: Anubis, Bastet, Bes, Geb, Hathor, Horus, Neith, Isis, Nephthys, Nut, Osiris, Ra, Set, Shu, and Tefnut - stand out as being the most significant.
  • Norse Gods: there are 15 classic Norse gods  including: Andvari, Balder, Freya, Frigg, Loki, Njord, the Norns, Odin, Thor, and Tyr.
  • Aztec culture of Mesoamerica (1110–1521 CE) worshiped more than 200 different deities
  • Celtic deities  -Nearly two dozen remain of interest today: Alator, Albiorix, Belenus, Borvo, Bres, Brigantia, Brigit, Ceridwen, Cernunnos, Epona, Esus, Latobius, Lenus, Lugh, Maponus, Medb, Morrigan, Nehalennia, Nemausicae, Nerthus, Nuada, and Saitama
  • Japanese gods and goddesses include Izanami and Izanagi; Amaterasu, Tsukiyomi no Mikoto, and Susanoh; Ukemochi, Uzume, Ninigi, Hoderi, Inari; and the seven Shinto gods of Good Fortune, and others.
  • Chinese gods and goddesses include the "Eight Immortals," the "Two Heavenly Bureaucrats," and "Two Mother Goddesses."
  • Babylonian deities that retain historical significance: among the Old Gods are Apsu, Tiamat, Lahmu and Lahamu, Anshar and Kishar, Antu, Ninhursag, Mammetum, Nammu; and the Young Gods are Ellil, Ea, Sin, Ishtar, Shamash, Ninlil, Ninurta, Ninsun, Marduk, Bel, and Ashur.
  • Abrahamic / Middle Eastern Religions include: Christianity, Islam, & Judaism
  • Shamanic Animism the belief that there is a spirit in all of nature. Every plant, stone, tree, animal, place, insect, person, even object—has a spirit.