Showing posts with label consciousness. Show all posts
Showing posts with label consciousness. Show all posts

Monday, September 18, 2023

Dr Dean Radin


Dr. Dean Radin explains how science has been self-defeating about some areas of knowledge that are not easily tested. The presumption has been that if it can’t be weighed and measured, it just doesn’t exist. He also explains that some of the most famous scientists have been exceptions. They were able to broaden the scope of our knowledge by pushing the limits of traditional reality.

Dr. Radin is Chief Scientist at the Institute of Noetic Science (IONS) and Associated Distinguished Professor of Integral and Transpersonal Psychology at the California Institute of Integral Studies. He earned a masters degree in Electrical Engineering (magna cum laude) and a PhD in psychology, spent a decade working on advanced projects for Bell Labs and GTE Labs.

He is the author or co-author of more than 250 scientific, technical, and popular articles, several best selling books and more than 100 articles in peer-reviewed academic journals. He is considered one of the world’s premier scientific investigators of psychic abilities.

He is well known for his studies of consciousness and psychic phenomena and his work with the Global Consciousness Project (GCP), along with updates on psi and healing experiments.  He tells us that Issac Newton as well as various other well known scientists had an interest in alchemy, mysticism and theology.

His website is a bastion of substance in a sea of credulous psi publications that separates the real science of parapsychology from the morass of channelers, telephone hot-line psychics, side-show telepathics and metaphysical healers that most of the population associates with psychic phenomena. This is the best survey of real evidence for the existence of psychic phenomena ever compiled.

Radin has been called the "Einstein of parapsychology," and he demonstrates why the world is more glorious than we've been told. And the importance of this may well be a key to the understanding of why we humans have become so callous and indifferent.

Obviously we, our species, have been walking directly into enormous calamity and are apparently unwilling or unable to come to our senses.This lack of self-awareness combined with the seemingly utter lack of consciousness, results in an inability to directly experience our true essential nature as spiritual beings. Radin documents a staggering amount of evidence for a broader view of science that offers hope for our present global crisis of consciousness and the future of humanity.

We want to serve the emerging paradigm of the new world. ... Dr. Dean Radin.

Friday, October 30, 2020


In all the known universe of uncountable stars and planets so far only one jewell like planet stands out from the rest in it's amazing beauty and complexity of life forms.

But on this planet earth, of its many thousands or millions of species one single species is making such a mess of it that all life is being put in danger of extinction.


The short answer is ignorance and greed. However there is a larger story worth considering.

In 1543, Nicolaus Copernicus published his Model of the Solar System that positioned the Sun remains motionless at the center of the Universe, with Earth and the other planets orbiting around it.

On February 13, 1633, Italian philosopher, astronomer and mathematician Galileo Galilei arrived in Rome to face charges of heresy for advocating Copernican theory. Orthodox inquisitors demand punishment for blasphemy of questioning the origins of the cosmos and pondering our place within it. At the time of his death in 1643, Galileo had been under house arrest for 8 years as a result of having held to his opinions.

René Descartes (1596-1650) was mostly remembered as the "father of modern philosophy". He lived in a time preceding the Age of Enlightenment that flourished in Europe. While the philosophical distinction between mind and body in western thought can be traced to the Greeks, Descartes reinforced this concept and gave it a name, dualism and committed to the mechanistic conception of physical world.

Mechanism is the belief that living things are like complicated machines composed of parts lacking any intrinsic relationship to each other. This mechanistic conception of life evolved into Scientism, the belief that only science can provide knowledge worth having and that only scientific claims are meaningful. Scientism holds that science is the only way to know truth while all other claims to knowledge are simply irrelevant.

Scientism can be seen as a kind of faith that science has no boundaries, and that in due time all human problems and all aspects of human endeavor will be dealt and solved by science alone. Scientism is an attempt to shut down political debates. It shifts the discussion from questions of value, which are accessible to all, to questions of facts which are in the domain of the experts, thus shifting the terrain of the debate.

Scientism is the adherence to a materialist version of reality that confines investigation to those sorts of things that are permitted by materialism. The belief, however, that scientism is science, and that its authority should be similarly accepted, has been disastrous. Scientism is the handmaiden of the administrative state, which is the ruling authority of bureaucratic totalitarianism.

Is science our only guide to what exists? Scientism is increasingly influential in popular scientific literature and intellectual life in general, but philosophers have hitherto largely ignored it.

The problem with scientism, or one of its many problems, is that it tends to be prejudiced and therefore not very scientific. True science is open minded, scientism is not. The idea that what cannot be weighed or measured does not exist is puerile, arrogant, and blind to most of the chief qualities that make human life profound. Friedrich Nietzsche predicted that the decline of religion would result in a turning to rigid idiological systems as a replacement

One way to find out what you want is to learn what you don't want. It seems we have come to understand very well what it is we do not want. Dystopia is a world or society in which people lead wretched, dehumanized, fearful lives.

A computer search for "system is broken" will yield a slew of large categories that need to be changed: ecology, healthcare, education, government, food, racism, justice, police and military, taxes, etc. Many if not most of our systems are broken. They are literally falling apart as we watch.

What happened? How did so much go so wrong? How could we be so indifferent to the destruction of our own environment, to each other, and to ourselves? We have come to see each other as inanimate objects to be possessed, manipulated. and often tossed aside or destroyed. Such indifference reveals that emotion is not the problem, it is the lack of emotion.

We have become possessed by seemingly unshakable ideas of the way things should be and who we think we are. Science is the pursuit of knowledge covering general truths or the operations of fundamental laws by using unbiased observations and systematic experimentation. Contrasted to this is scientism, which is the belief that only science can provide knowledge worth having.

By seeking to explain everything in terms of physics and chemistry, scientism reduces human beings to something a lot less than what we are. As long as we depend only on physical measurements to understand reality, we are stuck with the limits of matter. Scientism holds that about 95% of all reality is "dark energy" and dark matter but no one knows what it is.

Science has utterly failed to solve the "hard problem" of the question of "how experience arises out of non-sentient matter." Despite centuries of analyses, definitions, explanations and debates by philosophers and scientists, consciousness remains puzzling and controversial, being "at once the most familiar and most mysterious aspect of our lives".

In fact, there seems to be growing evidence that consciousness actually exists independently and outside of the brain as an inherent property of the universe itself like dark matter and dark energy or gravity. Panpsychism is the view that all things have a mind or a mind-like quality.

Spirituality means different things to different people. For some, it's primarily about a belief in God and active participation in organized religion. For others, it's about non-religious experiences that help them get in touch with their spiritual selves through quiet reflection, time in nature, private prayer, yoga, or meditation.

For more than a thousand years the church sought to prevent people from making conjectures about spirituality. Many people identify as spiritual but not religious: With a few exceptions, the percentage of adults who identify as religious in many industrialized countries is declining, while remaining generally high in less developed nations. Even as religious affiliation decreases, though, a sense of spiritual identification could remain steady or even increase.

 The human psyche has been split into a good and a worthless portion. This divorcing ourselves from the numinous and liminal world has brought us to the brink of self-destructive annihilation. Limiting ourselves only to proven facts ignores the facts that are yet to be proven. Some would say that subjectivity is the better part of our human nature.

Science has also delivered wealth and power into the hands of the greedy. Moral and social issues have taken a back seat to profits. Capitalism is individualistic, competitive, consumerist, and fantastically materially productive but simultaneously spiritually desolate. Capitalism promotes "short-term thinking based on this religion of profit at all costs."

Our greed and indifference have brought us to the limits of sustainability.  If we can just WAKE UP and stop supporting foolish incompetence and act with compassion and common sense we might still avert a mass extinction event.

Wednesday, March 27, 2019

Thinking Allowed, Jeffery Mishlove

We can now use the internet not only to share information, but also to validate and build upon our deeper understanding of the vast universe and our place in it. We are truly making a leap of progress through this technology!

For more than 50 years Psychologist Jeffery Mishlove has been interviewing guests that include leading figures in philosophy, psychology, health, science, and spirituality — with an emphasis on parapsychology.

The Thinking Allowed series aired on public TV stations in the U.S. and Canada for any years. The program features many of the world's leading scholars, researchers, writers and teachers and covers a broad range of topics including:
Alternative Medicine
Death and Dying
Global Awareness

Personal Development
Social Responsibility
   ...and more

The New Thinking Allowed channel on YouTube  exclusively features interviews and monologues from the New Thinking Allowed video series. Guests include leading figures in philosophy, psychology, health, science, and spirituality -- with a healthy and respectful emphasis on parapsychology. New Thinking Allowed host, Jeffrey Mishlove, PhD, is author of The Roots of Consciousness, Psi Development Systems, and The PK Man. He is the recipient of the only doctoral diploma in "parapsychology" ever awarded by an accredited university (University of California, Berkeley, 1980).

Between 1986 and 2002 he hosted and co-produced the original Thinking Allowed public television series. He is also past-president of the non-profit Intuition Network, an organization dedicated to creating a world in which all people are encouraged to cultivate and apply their inner, intuitive abilities.

If you click on this YouTube channel and set your device (such as a smart TV) to play the episodes sequentially, you will have some of the wisest people tell you about wisdom. It is like attending a very good conference or seminar without having to go anywhere or pay a fee. You will have a pretty good overview of how the New Biology and the New Physics is changing all our lives.

Jeffrey Mishlove's career has been guided by dreams, synchronicities, mystical states and their philosophical implications. He has consistently encouraged others to pay attention to these processes in their own lives. Jeffrey has the distinction of holding a doctoral diploma in Parapsychology, which is the only such diploma ever awarded by an accredited, American University. He is also past president of the California Society for Psychical Study and past vice-president of the Association for Humanistic Psychology.

Jeffrey has also helped to create a new institution of higher education called 'The University of Philosophical Research' that has recently been approved by the State of California to offer a distant learning masters degree in Consciousness Studies. He serves as the dean of programs for this college, and also teaches the course in parapsychology.

From the history of folklore to the scientific exploration of psychic phenomena, Jeffrey Mishlove discusses how research about mind and matter has changed throughout the years, and has opened a doorway to a world within that is just as vast and mysterious as the physical universe.


Saturday, March 7, 2015


Consciousness, at its simplest, is awareness of existence.

What could be more interesting than consciousness? There has been a renewed interest in this topic both on the personal level as well as the universal level. The ever increasing stressfull complexity of contemporary life calls for more conscious awareness on the personal level. And scientists are making discoveries that indicate that everything apparently has elements of consciousness.

Science is essentially objective while consciousness is essentially subjective. So far they just don't seem fit together comfortably. In the past couple of decades neuroscience has made considerable progress in describing the constituent parts of the brain and which parts control or are related to various physical, and emotional behaviors. But actually remarkably science has learned little about what consciousness really is.

Two scenarios have been put forth as to the nature of consciousness. Panpsychism is the view that all things have a mind or a mind-like quality. Panpsychism, taken literally, is the doctrine that everything has a mind:  plants, bacteria, even stones. This is an ancient philosophical doctrine.

There is another, emerging idea that consciousness is an essential part of the universe, like space, time, mass, and energy. So it is something like electricity that automatically exists but is not yet explained.

In recent years, scientists have discovered that 95% of the contents of the cosmos are invisible to our current methods of direct detection. Yet something is holding galaxies and galaxy clusters together, and something else is causing space to fly apart. It may or may not be Dark matter and dark energy  Physicist Hans-Peter Durr,  recently stated that "Matter is not made of matter...and exists only in the mind."

In quantum physics, entangled particles remain connected so that actions performed on one affect the other, even when separated by great distances. The phenomenon so riled Albert Einstein that he called it "spooky action at a distance."

Our view of reality has changed in just the last decade so that we are apparently seeing the beginning of an important new chapter in human history. This is the result of significant discoveries, the combined effect of which appears to be ushering in a whole new paradigm of human understanding. We no longer see the world as solid and mechanical. We seem to be entering a new era where consciousness is fundamental, and the universe seems to be a giant hologram.

This new paradigm appears to be replacing the old one which was the result of a philosophical belief that every event is the inevitable result of antecedent causes. Applied to ethics and psychology, it amounted to the denial of free will. For every event, including human action, there was supposed to exist conditions that could cause no other event. Karl Popper and Stephen Hawking have called this scientific determinism. The idea of Determinism in philosophy, was a theory that all events, including moral choices, are completely determined by previously existing causes.

In Psychology, genetic predisposition has been the term describing the tendency for a physical or mental condition or disorder to be able to be inherited by the next generation. Peer groups were even supposed to be the result of. genetic influences. This proved to be a monster of great complexities, in which genes trump environment. There was a wide-spread victim mentality, an acquired (learned) personality trait in which a person tends to regard him or herself as not good enough, a victim of the negative actions of others, and to think, speak and act as if that were the case — even in the absence of clear evidence.

A few hundred years ago the clergy could decide not just what was right and wrong, but what was true and false. Their power was absolute and intolerable - comply or die. And indeed scientists have died when they began to show that the church was not infallible. The earth was not flat, and not the center of the physical universe, etc.

But the tables turned. Scientists decided that anything non-physical is mere superstition and not real.  Everything has been quantified and commodified. The invention of machines delivered power into the hands of the wealthy and the greedy. Their exploitations yielded a terrible new tyranny that became ever more unsustainable and intolerable. Science dogma has become detached from reality and detached from  humanity. Even consciousness itself has been relegated to be just another part of the body. In effect, the baby was thrown out with the bath.

Determinism is the old philosophical position that for every event, including human action, there exist conditions that could cause no other event. Environmental Determinism is the assumption that the physical environment predisposes human social development towards particular trajectories. Combined with behaviorism this described life in a world that became grimmer each day.

Behaviorism is a worldview that operates on a principle of "stimulus-response,"  and behavior was thought to be caused by external stimuli (operant conditioning). This belief was that all behavior can be explained without the need to consider internal mental states or consciousness and behavior is shaped through positive reinforcement or negative reinforcement, which would increase the probability that the antecedent behavior will happen again. This led to arbitrary  values and oppressive behavior, unjust severity, tyrannical parenting, and oppressive laws.  It seems that we have been drifting towards full scale genetic and medical tyranny.

 Our brain receives a lot more data than we can process, so we have become quite good at filtering out what we expect or need to see. Selective vision is the act of seeing things as you choose - creating your own reality within your mind and overlooking things outside their focus of interest.

A person can be keenly observant about one thing, and totally oblivious to something going on right next to them. Selective perception is the tendency to not notice, or quickly forget stimuli that causes emotional discomfort and contradicts our prior beliefs. And selective hearing is also very real, and necessary. In a crowded room we can filter out everything except a single conversation. A lover only sees the beloved. So we are prone to tunnel vision often we don't see stuff that's right in front of us.

But the idea that consciousness is produced by the brain belongs to old Newtonian Physics. The very formulation of the newer Quantum Physics requires an independent consciousness. The new paradigm is a happier, more productive and much more compassionate, wise, creative, and graceful place, where at any age your brain has the ability to change, learn, grow and be enhanced.  And you can learn how to focus your attention on the internal world of the mind in a way that will literally change the wiring and architecture of their brain.

Neuroscience research focuses on understanding the structure and function of the brain from molecule to mind. It is the process of examining the basic biological, physiological, and molecular processes that mediate behavior.

Dan Siegel's Mindsight allows you to make positive changes in your brain-and in your life. His groundbreaking book on the healing power of "Mindsight," describes the potent skill that is the basis for both emotional and social intelligence.

Rupert Sheldrake is the modern champion of the Hypothesis of Formative Causation and Morphic Resonance, which in effect proposes that, "Morphic resonance occurs between... rhythmic structures of activity on the basis of similarity, and through this resonance past patterns of activity influence the fields of subsequent similar systems." (P109, Presence of the Past, Sheldrake). An example might be that apparently some genes are passed on from parent to offspring without ever being part of a nuclear chromosome, which amounts to a non-DNA-based inheritance. This morphic resonance is becoming more in vogue as quantum uncertainty principles are studied.

Stuart Hameroff is an anesthesiologist and professor at the University of Arizona is known for his studies of consciousness. At the very beginning of Hameroff's career, cancer-related research work piqued his interest in the part played by microtubules in cell division, and led him to speculate that they were controlled by some form of computing. It also suggested to him that part of the solution of the problem of consciousness might lie in understanding the operations of microtubules in brain cells, operations at the molecular and supramolecular level.

The operations of these microtubules are remarkably complex and their role pervasive in cellular operations; these facts led to the speculation that computation sufficient for consciousness might somehow be occurring there. These ideas are discussed in Hameroff's first book Ultimate Computing (1987) which dealt with the scope for information processing in biological tissue and  other parts of the cytoskeleton. Hameroff argued that these subneuronal cytoskeleton components could be the basic units of computation rather than the neurons themselves. The book was primarily concerned with information processing, with consciousness being secondary at this stage.

Roger Penrose's first book on consciousness, The Emperor's New Mind argued on the basis of Gödel's incompleteness theorems,  that the brain could perform functions that no computer or system of algorithms could. From this it could follow that consciousness itself might be fundamentally non-algorithmic, and incapable of being modeled as a classical Turing machine type of computer. By contrast, the idea that it could be explained mechanistically was prevalent in the field of Artificial Intelligence at that time.

Penrose saw the principles of quantum theory as providing an alternative process through which consciousness could arise. He further argued that this non-algorithmic process in the brain required a new form of the quantum wave reduction, later given the name objective reduction (OR), which could link the brain to the fundamental spacetime geometry. At this stage, he had no precise ideas as to how such a quantum process might be instantiated in the brain.

Hameroff was inspired by Penrose's book to contact Penrose regarding his own theories about the mechanism of anesthesia, and how it specifically targets consciousness via action on neural microtubules. The two met in 1992, and Hameroff suggested that the microtubules were a good candidate site for a quantum mechanism in the brain. Penrose was interested in the mathematical features of the microtubule lattice, and over the next two years the two collaborated in formulating the orchestrated objective reduction (Orch-OR) model of consciousness. Following this collaboration, Penrose published his second consciousness book, Shadows of the Mind.

Peter Russell proposes that mind is more fundamental than matter. He explores the problems science has in explaining consciousness and argues that consciousness is not created by the brain, but is inherent in all beings. He states that energy, matter, space and time aren't fixed and possibly there is no material, physical world except in our minds. He also states that science is actually in a state of crisis because we have really no idea what matter is or what consciousness is.

The study of consciousness has intensified over the past few years as new technological developments in measurement and computer simulation have enabled the closer investigation of one the most "mysterious" phenomena in nature, namely the subjective experience of awareness. There is a whole new field of noetics that has to do with structures of thought and what it means to be human.

Experts at the very cutting edge of science seem poised to turn our world view upside down. To mention just a few: Gary Schwartz, Dr Bruce Lipton, Dr Amit Goswami, Dr Joe Dispenza, Dr Jude Currivan, Dr Manjir Samanta-Laughton, and  Anthony Peake.

The popular media is increasingly concerning itself with New Age mysteries and deep questions. What the Bleep Do We Know!?  is a 2004 film that combines documentary-style interviews, computer-animated graphics, and a narrative that posits a spiritual connection between quantum physics and consciousness. The Secret (2006) posits that the law of attraction is a natural law which determines the complete order of the universe and of our personal lives through the process of "like attracts like".

Lynne McTaggart was an author, researcher and lecturer, was one of the central voices in the new consciousness movement bridging science and spirituality. An award-winning, best-selling journalist and author of six books, she became a leading spokesperson "on consciousness, the new physics, and the practices of conventional and alternative medicine," and what she called a whole "new science."

The notion of conscious hologram is based on the generalization of the idea about brain as a hologram. Mounting evidence seems to indicate that every physical object (both living and nonliving) has its own unique resonant holographic memory and this holographic image is stored in the Zero Point Field.



Friday, September 7, 2012

The Subconscious Mind

Understanding how the brain works gives us insight into what makes us human. But there are long-standing mysteries about the mind-body connection, the brain, and consciousness. The subconscious mind is very powerful. A lot of progress has been made recently about the understanding and use of this power.

The Law of Attraction is a metaphysical belief that "like attracts like", that positive and negative thinking bring about positive and negative physical results, respectively. Basically, there are three steps to achieving conscious and subconscious alignment and shifting your subconscious mind away from any negative habits or roadblocks that are stopping you making improvement in your life:  Visualization,  Emotion,  and Repetition. 

The Secret is a wildly popular film and book that gained recent attention in the media. It is based on the Law of Attraction and is more of a video seminar, a presentation featuring a series of authors, philosophers, doctors, quantum physicists such as Bob Proctor,  Joe Vitale,  and Michael Beckwith.

Bob Proctor is one of the most sought-after speakers in the world for professional coaching and company seminars and a teacher. Proctor is considered one of the living masters and teachers of Ways to Improve Your Life using your subconscious mind.

Dr. Joe Vitale ("Mr. Fire!") is about attracting money, health, success, happiness, marketing, publicity, selling, hypnosis, copywriting, books, fitness, metaphysics, and more using the power of The Law of Attraction.  One of his techniques is about using a mirror. In short, you stand before a mirror big enough to see your face and torso, stare into your eyes, and then speak out loud about what you want to have, do, or be. You give yourself the pep talk of all time. You reprogram your mind with your voice and your own authority.

Michael Beckwith is a New Thought minister, author, and founder of the Agape International Spiritual Center in Culver City, California. His inspiring teachings have been empowering spiritual seekers for more than two decades. His talks on Spiritual Liberation show how prayers are answered when the individual's subconscious mind responds to the mental picture or thought in his or her mind.

Mindfulness is an ancient, time-tested, and still  modern antidote to so many of our problems because mindfulness is a way to train and harmonize mental activity and it can be used to reduce stress and increase concentration. Mindfulness meditation aims to allow you to create a compassionate relationship with yourself, by eliminating self criticism and recognizing persist negative thoughts. By allowing yourself to become a passive observer of your own inner events, you can become aware of automatic responses in behavior or thinking.

The basic vipassana technique is simply to become aware of what is happening in your body and in your mind from moment to moment, simply to observe, to allow what is happening to happen, without making any value judgments about whether it is good or bad. The goal is to observe, not to try to influence or alter anything. But this can help gain insight into the mental sources of negativity, most of which is subconscious. It is not a religion and shouldn't interfere with religious practices.

Philosopher and scientist Dan Dennett argues that human consciousness and free will are the result of physical processes and are not what we traditionally think they are. His 2003 book Freedom Evolves explores the way our brains have evolved to give us the kind of freedom that matters, while 2006's Breaking the Spell examines religious belief through the lens of biology.

Lynne McTaggart is a best-selling author, researcher, and lecturer whose work has rightly been described as a bridge between science and spirituality. She teaches what she calls Living the Field, which offers  a bridge between science and the spirit. The programs are designed to help people incorporate new science discoveries into a coherent plan for modern integrated living.

Quantum Consciousness holds that,  "All matter is merely energy condensed to a slow vibration. We are all one consciousness experiencing itself subjectively.... life is a dream, and we're the imagination of ourselves."  -Bill Hicks

Also, recent advances in cellular science are heralding an important evolutionary turning point. For almost fifty years we have held the illusion that our health and fate were preprogrammed in our genes, a concept referred to as genetic determinacy. Though mass consciousness is currently imbued with the belief that the character of one's life is genetically predetermined, a radically new understanding is unfolding at the leading edge of science.

Cellular biologists now recognize that the environment, the external universe and our internal physiology, and more importantly, our perception of the environment, directly controls the activity of our genes. Cellular consciousness is the molecular mechanisms by which environmental awareness interfaces genetic regulation and guides organismal evolution.

What you set your intention for becomes what receives your attention. When you are energetically and emotionally aligned manifestation occurs within the parameters of your intention. But when you are not aligned with your intention, because your thoughts and beliefs have not yet been integrated to allow yourself to be at the energy of what you wish to manifest, there is no flow and the process is frustrating and disappointing. This is because your attention is displacing energy from your intention.
