Monday, August 27, 2012

So What's New about the New Age?

One of the most intriguing aspects of the new age is recent insights into human history. Another new area is the question of what reality really is. Apparently our brains are  normally only interested in informing us of just enough information for survival. Reality is much more complex than it appears to be.

We  not only have a new physics and a new biology that has revealed that nature cannot be reduced to matter. But we have a new understanding of our past that tells us life on our planet has undergone extremes which we had scarcely imagined. Apparently most of human history has yet to be explored.

During the Ice Age humans had been nomadic, following the animal herds that lived on the lush vegetation at the melting edges of glaciers. The run off water formed rivers and fertile deltas where humans learned to plant food crops, and build homes. This was the beginning of architecture, not just homes but granaries and municipal and religious buildings, roads, and cities.

Stored food had to be protected so a hierarchy evolved of protectors and administrators. A portion of the population was given power to govern and decide not only what would be allowed/disallowed, but who would own what. So that paradigm began with ownership, but as it grew and was politicized it gradually led to militarization, colonization, and exploitation of all sorts. This continued until eventually almost everything became commodified, for sale to the highest bidder.

The mind/body connection is a popular New Age topic. Perhaps this will lead to a better understanding of the mind/body disconnection which has become so chronic that we have deeply betrayed the future generations economically and environmentally.

"Power corrupts; absolute power corrupts absolutely."

The idea of "dominion over the earth" was used to justify objectification and subjugation in ways that are unsustainable if not downright immoral. Eventually as the church gained more power over governments, that power was also corrupted. About 500 years ago it was decided that science could only deal with matter, while morality was to be regulated by the church. This led to a schism or power struggle between science and religion. For a long time, science would not settle for recognition of anything beyond the material universe, while the church would not recognize secular morality.

One of the effects of religion has been to divide the human psyche into a good and a worthless portion, "we are right, they are wrong". The first part of any oppression is to dehumanize the group which is oppressed. Such  objectification is a demotion or degrading of a person or class of people, or an animal to the status of a mere object. The more it becomes acceptable to slur or demean, the easier it becomes to slaughter. Objectification begets violence, abuse, and exploitation. It is a dismissal of the intrinsic value of the objectified to justify cruelty, often towards women, wildlife, the disadvantaged, or or the enemy. The worst inhumanity invariably comes under the guise of religious bigotry.

For thousands of years, up until about 150 years ago (the time of Charles Darwin), the central theme of western thought was the noble struggle of mankind under the egress of the Divine. A God who created the universe, set it going, left, and hasn't been seen since, with the exception of rare supernatural revelations about morality, mostly prohibitions "thou shalt not." A non-interventionist creator -- who permits the universe to run itself according to natural laws, but may show up again to reward or punish those who did or did not follow his law.

After Darwin it was presumed humans were doomed by our genetics, victims of our DNA. There was a dreary tendency toward strict adherence to the physical reality and rejection of ideals. Naturalism commonly refers to the viewpoint that only laws of nature operate in the universe, and that nothing exists beyond the natural universe. Philosopher Paul Draper wrote, naturalism is "the hypothesis that the natural world is a closed system" in the sense that "nothing that is not a part of the natural world affects it."

Especially in the media, Naturalism portrays us as victims of our environments and circumstances. Instead of featuring man’s free will, naturalists emphasized the deterministic nature of human life. In other words, man's fate is dictated by factors other than his own free will. People may try to do better, but they are small and ineffectual compared with the natural environment. The universe, indifferent to the state of humankind, will go on regardless of what humans do. Seen as deeply impacted by hereditary and environmental factors, people became tragic characters, victims of circumstance.

Such alienation can be seen as the result of a long history of Dualism, which is the moral or spiritual belief that two fundamental concepts exist, which oppose each other. Dualistic cosmology is the polarized religious belief that the universe is created or governed by two deities or spiritual forces. Dualism as a philosophy is a materialistic set of mechanistic, linear views about the relationship between mind and matter as defined by Issac Newton. Nondualism is a term used to denote affinity, or unity, rather than duality or separateness or multiplicity.

The next paradigm seems to be some version of  Nondualism. The old scientific paradigm would have us believe that whatever isn't measurable or somehow quantified, isn't real. Only very recently physics and metaphysics have come full circle and embraced each other. New Age describes a movement in western culture to explore spiritual matters without the constrains of any set religious doctrine.

The Winter Solstice date of December 21, 2012 is a rare event. In astronomic terms, the Sun conjuncts the intersection of the Milky Way and the plane of the ecliptic. The Milky Way, extends in a general north-south direction in the night sky. The plane of the ecliptic is the track the Sun, Moon, planets and stars appear to travel in the sky, from east to west.

"The cosmic cross formed by the intersecting Milky Way and plane of the ecliptic was called the Sacred Tree by the Maya. The trunk of the tree, the Axis Mundi, is the Milky Way, and the main branch intersecting the tree is the plane of the ecliptic. Mystically, at sunrise on December 21, 2012, the Sun - our Father - rises to conjoin the center of the Sacred Tree, the World Tree, the Tree of Life... The Sun has not conjoined the Milky Way and the plane of the ecliptic since some 25,800 years ago.

Due to a phenomenon called the precession of the equinoxes, caused by the Earth's wobble that lasts almost 26,000 years, the apparent location of the Winter Solstice sunrise has been ever so slowly moving toward the Galactic Center. Precession may be understood by watching a spinning top. Over many revolutions the top will rise and dip on its axis, not unlike how the Earth does over an extremely long period of time. One complete rise and dip constitutes the cycle of precession.

... By using an invention called the Long Count, the Mayans fast-forwarded to anchor December 21, 2012 as the end of their Great Cycle and then counted backwards to decide where the calendar would begin.... The Great Cycle, lasting 1,872,000 days and equivalent to 5,125.36 years, is but one fifth of the Great Great Cycle, known scientifically as the Great Year or the Platonic Year - the length of the precession of the equinoxes. To use a metaphor from the modern industrial world, on Winter Solstice CE (Common Era) 2012 it is as if the Giant Odometer of Humanity on Earth hits 100,000 miles and all the cycles big and small turn over to begin anew. The present world age will end and a new world age will begin.

Over a year's time the Sun transits through the twelve houses of the zodiac....Upping the scale to the Platonic Year - the 26,000 year long cycle - we are shifting, astrologically, from the Age of Pisces to the Age of Aquarius. The Mayan calendar does not really "end" in 2012, but rather, all the cycles turn over and start again, vibrating to a new era. It is as if humanity and the Earth will graduate in the eyes of the Father Sun and Grandmother Milky Way."

Knowledge is not wisdom. In spite of, and maybe even partly because of the astronomical acumen of the Maya, they apparently conquered, enslaved and abused so many people that a huge revolt wiped them out. So there was simply no one left to continue their calendar. Abuse of power led to greed and hubris.

It has been almost 100 years since these idea that All Matter is Energy was first put forward by Einstein and others. And since this has become accepted as fact by scientists world-wide, more evidence of validity is also apparent from studies of quanta and objects in far distant space. In The Tao of Physics (1975 Fritjof Capra), represented a rejection of the world as machine, and went back to the notion of an organic, living, and spiritual universe.

Carl Jung predicted long ago that someday quantum physics and psychology would come together. This integration is a fascinating aspect of the paradigm shift in science right now. In her book, The Intention Experiment, Lynne McTaggart discusses research in the field of human consciousness, which she says supports the theory that "the universe is connected by a vast quantum energy field" and can be influenced by thought.  Science as a whole can no longer neglect such things as parapsychology, meditation, and holistic medicine. Intuition or "spiritual guidance" is now seen as more common guide to enlightenment and growth than, say, rationalism, skepticism, or a scientific method.

So Jung introduced a new level of subtlety. And in  a similar way New Age energies is yet another level of subtleties. Apparently many other worlds exist besides this one, invisible to us but real. We seem to be hearing that modern research is leading to a new world view that unites physical science with psychology, philosophy, and religion -- a new model of the universe. People are discussing ideas like holistic mind-body interaction, the beginning of the universe, and of life, and quantum physics. Biologist, Bruce Lipton is known for promoting the idea that genes and DNA can be manipulated by a person's beliefs.

Quantum mechanics gives us a picture of the world that has changed our perspective on reality itself, raising profound questions about concepts such as cause and effect, measurement of time and space. Two quantum particles can interact at a distance in a way that seems almost telepathic and even in the complete vacuum of empty space, there is still a vast amount of energy.

Both the quantum world and the metaphysical world can be understood as one unity if we adopt a new point of view about a multidimensional model of the universe, based on recent developments in physics and biology. We cannot see the multidimensional reality because our senses are limited to three dimensions, yet the higher dimensional environment may be a more substantial reality than our world -- if our three-dimensional world is only a subset of the multidimensional system.

As an interrelated set of holistic principles is developed, and the multidimensional world is then explored with this holistic logic system, we look for plausible answers to many unresolved questions, such as the mind-body interaction, the inner structure of the human psyche, the true nature of life, and the creative nature of evolution.

It is apparent that things are quickly changing in very profound ways and some things seem to be falling apart while scientists sit and discuss abstractions. That which is unsustainable must fail, along with the institutions supporting it.

A stellium of 7 planets in Aquarius in February 2021 marks a global energy shift fron 3D consciousness into 5D consciousness. 3D consciousness is viewing things from a purely physical state. You are seen as an individual that is separate from others. Life feels like “the survival of the fittest” and you are identified by the way you look, the job you have, and the people you surround yourself with. Living in fear is about missing out or not having enough.

In 5D, we experience an intense feeling of oneness and connection. 5D consciousness does not think about the physicality or duality or matter but rather talks and understands things happening to connect itself with its ultimate purpose. In the 5-D world, intuitive knowing is the way to operate. A natural by-product of awakening in higher frequencies is a strong intuition, this is the dimension of light and unconditional love, spiritual awakening process.

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