Showing posts with label gnosis. Show all posts
Showing posts with label gnosis. Show all posts

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Gnosis and Samael Aun Weor

Sometimes there seems to be so much ignorance and chaos around us that is hard to make sense of it all. We yearn for a larger and more hopeful world view or some indication of a cleansing and a transformation, or some sign that a world in chaos may be a good thing. In an effort to grasp the big picture we might consider a larger frame of reference.

Science and spirituality are often seen as being in conflict, yet, do they share a common understanding of reality? We are in a race between communication and catastrophe. What changes in consciousness are underway? Is humanity waking up to a new level of consciousness? Can we wake up in time? What are the psychological and spiritual roots of our global challenges?  How can we awaken from the cultural hypnosis of consumerism and materialism?

Pete and Duane’s Window
is a program that explores our world in transition including topics such as consciousness, world trends, sustainability, spirituality, and our collective future. The show’s hosts, Peter Russell and Duane Elgin, are internationally recognized visionaries who have known one another for decades, and share an interest in awakening consciousness, both personal and global.  As “evolutionary elders,” they see this time as pivotal for our species.

Together, they eplore The Roots of Our Crisis -- powerful trends transforming our world and three scenarios for the future: 1) business as usual, 2) unstoppable decline, and 3) profound maturation. What are the psychological and spiritual roots of our global challenges?  How can we awaken from the cultural hypnosis of consumerism and materialism? They also explore the foundations of love, how we can bring more of that quality into our own lives.

Another point of view

There is a root from which all knowledge has emerged. Humanity has many names for it; we call it Gnosis, which refers to intuitive knowledge of spiritual truths; said to have been possessed by ancient Gnostics.

Samael Aun Weor 

Samael Aun Weor remains largely unknown in the English-speaking world. But in his native Latin America, he is known internationally as the founder of the Gnostic Movement and author of over seventy books about the fundamental root knowledge from which all our most important philosophical, scientific, and religious traditions blossomed. In recent years, due to the efforts made by a small handful of people who arrived in English-speaking countries in order to share their experience and enthusiasm for the practical and effective science of Gnosis, interest in Samael Aun Weor has been growing. Each year sees new schools, new students, and new interest in the man and his message of compassionate service, individual development, and the urgent need for radical change:
  • We are designed to be super human beings but we behave like ants.
  • There are many superior beings in the universe and they do help us.
  • Human beings existed on earth 300 million years ago, but they lived as angelic beings at that time.
  • Planet Earth is in fact a life form, which has supported five major root races in the past. We are nearing the end of the fifth civilization.
  • Pantheism and Monotheism are completely compatible with each other.
  • Anyone can heal themselves using Gnostic knowledge.
  • Gnostic teachings are provable through meditation and pranayama.
  • Alchemy has every basis in real science, involving the movement of energy within the human being. We transform lead into gold, which means transmuting physical matter into spiritual matter.
  • Factors of the revolution of the consciousness are what all other teachings are missing. Gnosis gives this information to the world at a time when it is needed most.
During the course of several decades, Samael Aun Weor gave thousands of lectures in venues ranging from auditoriums to the kitchen of a student. Many of these talks were recorded and later transcribed into Spanish. Gradually, these lectures are being translated into English.
      About the Soul

Alcyone and Negative Emotions

The Archeus

The Avatar


Closing Speech at the 1975 Gnostic Congress

The Common-Cosmic Trogoautoegocrat Law

The Consequences of the Comet Kondoor

The Cosmic Christ and the Holy Week

The Didactic for the Dissolution of the "I"
* The End of the Kali Yuga 

The Esoteric Path

The False Sentiment of the I

Final Catastrophe

Gnostic Paladins

The Hidden Face of our Psychological Moon

How to Deal with Problems

Imagination and Fantasy

The Inhabitants of the Sun

The Inhabitants of the Sun Sirius

Key of Sol

Knowing How to Listen

The Knowledge of Oneself

The Law of the Pendulum


Man and the Universe That Surrounds Him

The Master Key

Mental Representations

Missionaries, Donations, and Schools

Money and the Three Minds

Moses, the Great Kabbalist and Alchemist Magi

The Need to Change Our Way of Thinking

The Organization of the Psyche

Precariousness of the Human Psyche

Profound Meditation

Questions About the Elimination of the Ego

Questions of Importance to Women


The Science of Meditation

Seriousness in the Esoteric Work

The Seven Planets of Alchemy

A Talk on the Mysteries of Life and Death

The Transformation of Impressions

The Transmutation of Sexual Energy

Types of Spiritual Schools

Useless Dreams
Woman's Saintly Predestination

According to Hindu cosmology, life in the universe is created, destroyed once every 4.1 to 8.2 billion years, which is one full day (day and night) for Brahma. The lifetime of a Brahma himself may be 311 trillion and 40 billion years. The cycles are said to repeat like the seasons, waxing and waning within a greater time-cycle of the creation and destruction of the universe. Like Summer, Spring, Winter and Autumn, each yuga involves stages or gradual changes which the earth and the consciousness of mankind goes through as a whole. A complete yuga cycle from a high Golden Age of enlightenment to a Dark Age and back again is said to be caused by the solar system's motion around another star. A Yuga (Devanāgari: युग) in Hindu philosophy is the name of an 'epoch' or 'era' within a cycle of four ages. These are the Satya Yuga, the Treta Yuga, the Dvapara Yuga, and finally the Kali Yuga.

The film, Operation Mindazzle: Military Remote Viewing Psychic Training Course offers a series of lessons designed to help the viewer develop "remote viewing," a concept better known as extra sensory perception or clairvoyance.

Maj. Ed Dames and F.M. Bonsall teach you the latest techniques for strengthening your innate ability for extrasensory perception, also known as remote viewing -- the ability to see across time and space to gather information on an object. This comprehensive course for psychic training includes theoretical foundations of remote viewing and practical steps that everyone can learn to hone their intuitive vision. Dames was trained by Ingo Swann, who discovered of the breakthrough techniques that allowed the military to train officers to be more accurate than the best natural psychics, was born a naturally gifted psychic, is the man who coined the term Remote Viewing.

Maj. Dames says that the presence of real angels have been detected through remote viewing and implies that angels may be a type of extra-terrestrials.
