Showing posts with label neuroscience. Show all posts
Showing posts with label neuroscience. Show all posts

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Metaphysical Cosmology

"Reality is just an illusion."   -   The Finder

The combined implications of recent developments in the understanding of neuroscience and quantum physics represents a profound break thru in our understanding of the basic nature of reality. Apparently it is consciousness that determines whether a quanta becomes matter or remains pure energy. In the quantum world view, there is not much that exists in the physical world. Atoms are just little sparks of energy, and everything, including living cells are comprised of atoms. In fact, DNA is only a blueprint for the design of our cellular structure, while it is consciousness switches on of our stem cells and  determines their fate.

So, the mechanistic, linear dualism of Issac Newton and  RenĂ© Descartes must now give way to a dynamic new non-local physics where we are no longer locked in to past events as victims of painful experiences in our past or even our own genetics. What this does is to deliver us from the old, static paradigm of Darwinism and the fatalistic grip of behaviorism in which we are portrayed as helpless and rather hopeless victims; aliens in an alien world, subjugated to forces we can neither or control or understand.

According to Dr. Henry Grayson and others, the new reality is a much more spiritual matrix in which new beliefs actually open up new neural pathways to support what we are to become. In this new reality we are co-creators rather than doomed and powerless victims of past and present traumas and events. This is timely and hopeful stuff to a world locked an old deterministic view, steeped in negative programming and beliefs, objectification and commodification.

A quanta is tens of millions of times smaller than an atom. The size of the simplest atom (hydrogen) is approximately 100,000 time larger than the proton it contains, or in other words, the ratio between the size of the hydrogen atom to its nucleus is about 100,000. So matter is composed almost entirely of empty space and some electricity, and that includes our physical body.

But if you've stubbed your toe on a table leg, you know it is quite real. The idea of metaphysics is how not to stub your toe. Metaphysics seeks answers beyond measurable matter, energy, space, and time. It explores the mysteries and meanings of all that exists and may be thought of as a cousin to Physical Cosmology, which is the area of science dealing with the material origins, history and fate of the universe. Cosmology was a subject of metaphysics before the Copernican Revolution. However, since Einstein's theories, cosmology has been primarily concerned with physics (applying numbers to things). Physics takes the world apart piece by ever smaller piece, trying to figure out the puzzle of existence.

Cosmology is "a branch of study concerned with the origins and nature of the universe." Theoretical metaphysics has not yet been proven by science and metaphysical cosmology did not give way easily to physics. Copernicus developed the "heliocentric" theory of the universe, and when Galileo backed him up, the cosmology of the Roman Church, cosmology built on the solid foundation of Aristotle's metaphysics as introduced into the Church by Thomas Aquinas, received a shock heard throughout the Western World: the Earth was not the center of the universe. Galileo was actually put on trial for contradicting the Church in this matter.

Metaphysical Cosmology is an area of philosophy that deals with our place in the universe and the nature of reality beyond its physicality, including understanding and explaining why everything came to be. Metaphysical cosmology puts the universe into one comprehensible object so that it may be examined as the whole, including the study of how human beings are related to the universe. So it is like holding the universe in your hand as if it was a single intelligible object, for the purpose of defining Man's place in the universe, as well as the possibility of a some thing "holding" the universe.

How can a human being living on earth be related to the universe? We are all parts and parcels of the universe since we cannot disconnect or sever our relationship. In realistic terms, in order to maximize and capitalize on this relationship, we must walk in harmony with the universal laws.

If we walk in harmony with the universal laws our rewards shall be plentiful, abundant and overflowing, and happy. Thwarting universal laws is a downward spiral into failure, suffering and despair. But why are there so few people in the former category? Apparently it boils down to emotion - to the simple fact that early in their lives many if not most people are made to feel that they are not good enough. The appropriate mode of feeling and behavior is somehow missing or under-developed in their lives.

One of the early issues in metaphysics is the idea of evil. Shamanism and religion seek power over evil. The problem is fear. In the game of approach and avoidance, we are necessarily hard wired to avoid trauma, it is built-in and automatic - at the cellular level.

Approach is basically about food and procreation while avoidance is about survival. The complexity of modern life offers many threats that were unknown to primitive humans. Complexity just came with the territory and is usually not optional. Food, shelter, procreation, even life itself sees increasingly complicated, fragmented or polarized.How can we feel good when so many experiences and things are mass produced, synthetic, industrialized?

Not just goods and services, even food gets tainted and degraded but so does the quality of our lives. Personal relationships are often too casual to be lasting and meaningful. Even high end categories of music and art too often seem marginalized, dismally struggling over failures. Degradation of the environment and the media are looming problems that we seem to tolerate out of a lack of respect for where and who we are.We now know yet somehow fail to see that we occupy the best and only jewel-like planet in all of the know physical universe. Yet we behave like abandoned infants fowling our own nest, howling at the darkness.

Your sub-conscious is always listening. By changing your own thought processes and beliefs you will begin to reprogram your life to accept positive thoughts and experiences. When your sub-conscious is aware of the positive reality, your choices will be influenced by more positive actions, which lead naturally to more positive outcomes.

Everyone on the planet has some capacity to master the principle of mind over matter, but you need to understand how to use your mind power to do it. One of the ways you can develop using mind over matter is to practice turning all of your negative thoughts and beliefs into something positive. Take time to sit and think about what it means to control your life with your mind. Consider how everything in your life appears when you are happy. Think about a very content and peaceful time in your life. The bad things in life don’t seem as bad when a person is satisfied with the way things are going.

Another very simple way to begin using mind over matter is to start using meditation and affirmations which are excellent ways to begin the re-programming process. Start with the little choices, take a stand, avoid whatever is negative or toxic. Make a decision to choose kindness, beauty, and truth. This will lead to right choices on the big issues. If there is any real magic this is it!

Our best hope is to wake up to the beauty of our world and pay more attention to our possibilities. It is not rocket science –either you care or you don't. It's time to wake up and grow up! We can no longer continue to behave like spoiled and selfish children,  and must realize  that we are children of the universe, and regain a sense of awe and wonderment. Perhaps then we can begin anew, by learning to treat each other and our home with love and respect.