Showing posts with label spirituality. Show all posts
Showing posts with label spirituality. Show all posts

Friday, March 22, 2024

The New Spirituality

Now that we are officially in the Age Of Aquarius perhaps we can gather a overview concept of the paradigm from which we have emerged. Firstly we were fixated on matter and Body-Focused Obsessions. A fixation happens when you cannot think of anything else but the thing you are fixated on. We might be able to recognize what matter cannot do and free ourselves to do what we can.

Much of our intolerance and vulnerability is the result of our misunderstanding that we affected by more than often we realize. Often we feel helpless to control things.

The Internet is a blessing and a curse providing seemingly endless information at your fingertips.It allows for an immense amount of rapid information exchange and seems to have the answer to virtually every question you could think of. As the internet continues to mature there will only be more and more information shared on it and therefore more to digest.

Despite the popularity and benefits, the internet is not all positive: it has a dark side. Unfortunately, this increasing reliance on tech comes with it an increase in those looking to misuse it by introducing a new exploitative wave in content. Fake Newsis a term describing falsified or misleading news stories which are presented as real. Inexpensive apps can now use anyone’s voice and physical appearance create a fake video that looks real.

But also, the possibilities of increasing our advanced understanding of the nature of consciousness and scientific reality is very helpful and promising. Ordinary people can now unlock access to extraordinary information that can revolutionize our health and well being.

We are beginning to realize that in the past our social, religious, political, and health systems were arcane and harmful in many ways. Essentially a powerful few exploited the many to maintain their luxurious lifestyles and consolidate their power. For example, Rockefeller created the modern American school system primarily to provide trained and obedient workers to fuel America's expanding industrial economy. And religion is and has been probably the most important force in continuing the oppression of people worldwide.

The New Spirituality is neither an organized religion nor a systematized philosophy but a group of ideas and a network of communication. It draws from a wide range of traditions and the cultural roots, key ideas and organizational structures of this new faith, and its significance in the changing moral and religious landscape of contemporary western society is benefited greatly by the Internet.

Although simulation theory does not involve worship of a figure or god, the idea of the
programmers being in control of what others do sounds remarkably similar to the role of gods or God among many groups we colloquially call religions. The concept of God-as-emergent-from-the-universe explores the idea that God exists as the world itself.

Physicists are starting to think Space and Time Are 'IllusionsOne of the more  discoveries in the past half a century is that the universe is not locally real and all is energy in vibration. Some spiritual teachers say that all is one and there is no death since we are made of energy which is not created or destroyed.