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Saturday, September 14, 2024

New Dimensions


"We are already deep into the trajectory towards collapse. -Will Steffen

Climate change is a grave and mounting threat to our well being and a healthy planet. Ecosystem collapse, species extinction, deadly heatwaves and floods are among the "dangerous and widespread disruptions” the world will face over the next two decades due to global warming.

  1. Many of the features of the Earth System that are being damaged or lost constitute ‘tipping points’ that could well link to form a ‘tipping cascade...’
  2. Eternal growth is not possible.
  3. Governments are failing and we need to get rid of capitalism (the top 1% own the vast majority of the world’s wealth).
  4. No new fossil fuel developments can be tolerated.
  5. The Military Industrial Complex Is More Powerful Than Ever
  6. The Global economy outlook worsens as global recession looms. -Economic Inequality.
  7. Public education is in crisis.
  8. The American political system is broken.
  9. Our food system is broken.
  10. Digital addiction is a big problem.   -Historical untruths misshaped the world.
  11. Religion is failing us and is becoming more dangerous. -  Paul Wallis
  12.  The Crisis of Meaning
  13. Extraterrestrials are here and have been for a very long time
The list above is what is happening in the phsysical world. But there is another world which is the electrical or spiritual world. Before anything exists phsysically it must first exist electrically. Physical abuse damages the electrical self while psychological damage affects the physical body.

This is how ancient structures were assembled from hundred ton stone blocks because there were and are beings who can interact with the electrical or non-physical reality. This also explains psychic ability and energy healings. Among the early humans there were those who interacted with spirits and the spiritual world.

It may be that it was passed down to some humans genetically who were intimate with extraterrestrials. But over time the genes for extra-sensory perceptions diminished ove the generations. But if two parents both have the recessive genes the offspring are more likely to be psychic or have healing abilities.

So we might think about a list that can counter the above list of problems with a list of opportunities which can be thought of as spiritual or psychological talents or gifts. In Indian religions, Siddhis (Sanskrit: सिद्धि siddhi; fulfillment, accomplishment) are material, paranormal, supernatural, or otherwise magical powers, abilities, and attainments that are the products of yogic advancement through sādhanās such as meditation and yoga. The term ṛddhi (Pali: iddhi, "psychic powers") is often used interchangeably in Buddhism. Siddhi is a Sanskrit noun which can be translated as "knowledge", "accomplishment", "attainment", or "success"

The Visuddhimagga is one of the texts to give explicit details about how spiritual masters were thought to actually manifest supernormal abilities. It states that abilities such as flying through the air, walking through solid obstructions, diving into the ground, walking on water and so forth are achieved through changing one element, such as earth, into another element, such as air. The individual must master kasina meditation before this is possible. Dipa Ma, who trained via the Visuddhimagga, claimed to have these abilities, but her claim was never independently verified.

To simplify, we might think of people who have a talent for music, art, or some other skill that other people would have to earn as a skill. According to different sources, below are the eight classical siddhis (Ashta Siddhi) or eight great perfections:
  • Aṇimā: the ability to reduce one's body to the size of an atom.
  • Mahimā: the ability to expand one's body to an infinitely large size.
  • Laghimā: the ability to become weightless or lighter than air.
  • Garimā: the ability to become heavy or dense.
  • Prāpti: the ability to realize whatever one desires.
  • Prākāmya: the ability to access any place in the world.
  • Īśitva: the ability to control all material elements or natural forces.
  • Vaśitva: the ability to force influence upon anyone
The solar flares hitting earth today are said by some that this is actually causing the molecules of our planet to vibrate faster. And our rate of vibrations of or bodies are also increasing. Understanding the 3rd dimension (from a metaphysical viewpoint) can help us grasp these concepts and differentiate between the 3rd, 4th, and 5th dimensions. Albert Einstein introduced the concept of the universe as having more than a 3D reality when he developed the theory of relativity. His theory “postulated to explain how light moves at a constant speed relative to all observers, can best be expressed in four dimensions.

Dimensions are simply the different facets of what we perceive to be reality. We are immediately aware of the three dimensions that surround us on a daily basis – those that define the length, width, and depth of all objects in our universes (the x, y, and z axes, respectively). Beyond these three visible dimensions, scientists believe that there may be many more. In fact, the theoretical framework of superstring theory posits that the universe exists in 10 different dimensions which govern the universe.”     —Jolene Creighton, Futurism

Third dimensional frequencies have a slower, denser rate of movement in the atmosphere. In these slower rates of movement are sometimes described as "low vibes" corresponding with coarse thoughts or behavior and stress. In these slower rates of movement, this is where suffering can live. This is because lower frequencies are where the energy of fear, ego and illusion reside. These states can be very difficult particularly for individuals with low self-esteem, or who are living with high levels of stress. So, in the 3rd dimension you are more likely experience a feeling of separation and powerlessness from time to time.

The fourth dimension can be accessed through mindful practices and activities such as: meditation, art, music, yoga, breathing, writing, walks in nature and more. With discipline and practices 4D frequencies help you dissolve the layers of fear so you can step into your true power. This is where you start learning to function on earth as a being of unlimited possibility. You will naturally detach from money, fame, popularity as these are all illusions held by third dimensional frequencies.

The 5th dimension is where pure unconditional love resides. You know you are in the 5th dimension when you no longer feel the need nor the desire to control or manage what is happening, it just is. Instead, you are in awe of the beauty and magic of life. The 5th dimension is like heaven on earth. The spiritual 5th Dimension (5D) is the realm of higher intelligent life forms, including most Extraterrestrials (ETs), and is often described as 'Heaven on Earth'. Being psychic simply means that you perceive more of our non-physical reality.

Some individuals may resist 5D frequencies and that is okay. We all have freewill. Yet those of us who are open to receiving 5th dimensional energy will benefit greatly.

So, Earth is transitioning to a new state of consciousness now. But its ascension will not become a fully realized experience until the proportion of 5D people reaches a point where psychic skills are normal, accessible, and commonplace. When that happens, we can expect:

  • A new paradigm for science, medicine, and education, including unlimited free electricity and access to medical care; new healing modalities that are more individually and spiritually based; alternative forms of transportation that use frequency shifts over physical movement; and new learning systems that incorporate 4D/5D technologies and skills, starting from the youngest ages.
  • A new way of relating to each other and to the rest of our world and universe, including awareness of the underlying oneness of human diversity and our natural environments; cooperation instead of competition to end wars, conflicts, and poverty; and regular communication and cooperation with 4th and 5th Dimensional beings from other planets and higher dimensions.

Saturday, September 13, 2014

Atomistic Mysticism

We live in a time of profound global trends: climate destabilization, peak oil, water shortages, dying oceans, over-population and poverty, food shortages, pollution, weapons of mass destruction. These trends are interactive and represent an unparalleled systems crisis.

Never have we faced global challenges such as are upon us. So far our response has been applying more science and engineering. But there are obviously bigger questions about what is happening and our role in it all. Many are simply overwhelmed to the extent of just avoiding the issues.

Some say that the real crisis is metaphysical and of the human psyche. In one way or another human activity is at the root of this crisis. Why do we stubbornly ignore the human part of the equation? The deeper part of the problem is within ourselves: greed, selfishness and apathy. And for that we need a
cultural if not spiritual transformation.

Our best strategy for planetary and social healing is probably to become better human beings. That means finding ways to become more conscious and caring. Also it is time to end the conflict between science and spirituality, which only served the purpose of religious fundamentalists and science fundamentalists to the detriment of  everyone else Too many rules and too little forgiveness and the traditional dualistic subjective/objective mindset found in the West, and is  about separation of mind and body.

In most of the ancient or primitive cultures there has been a common thread of reverence for nature. The transition of the seasons, the moon and stars, and the larger cycles of nature, as well as our own coming into being and passing away is at the core of all human inquiry.

 Even though we have learned much about the marvelous intricacies of nature, we have only scratched the surface. What we don’t know probably surpasses by far what we understand. We are a mystery and we live in a mystery, and we know it – some of us. To have a sense of awe and wonderment, and reverence is a gift. The ultimate mysteries may be not even be knowable by humans, and our lives as humans could be only a small part of who we really are.

Day follows night, and spring follows winter and  the unfolding of life is a cycle. These are reassuringly orderly processes. Atomistic mysticism describes a way of thinking, or a kind of a posture in life that includes a deep respect the intrinsic processes of both nature and science.

Cosmology is revealing that we live in a universe that naturally evolves stars, galaxies, and planets with mountains, oceans, and even life, which may not be limited to just one planet.
Recently astronomers have learned that in just our own galaxy there are probably 100 million habitable planets.  And there are many billions of other galaxies, and trillions of planets.

We have become so used to the mechanistic view of the world that we have forgotten that it is a metaphor. We no longer think, as Descartes did, that the world is like a clock. But we seem to think it is a clock, and that nothing is real unless it can be weighed or measured. The physical world is defined by its limitations. Everything is composed of the same material, but differences in configuration, finite dimensions and measurable attributes are what distinguish one thing from another.

On the other hand,
Spinoza's ontology holds to a monism, a doctrine in which there is one substance and the world is one huge organism that regulates itself to some good end. The Spiritual world is said to be nonphysical in nature, and exists independently from matter. The Spiritual world is also said to be infinite and not subject to the constraints of linear time, death, or decay. Panpsychism is the view that mentality is fundamental and ubiquitous in the natural world.

Our senses interpret everything around us and translate it through specific vibrations. Our experience of the world is limited by what our physical senses can interpret. Science has come to understand that both atoms and thoughts are energy. Water may be in the shape of ice, liquid, or clouds, energy comes in various forms such as waves, particles, liquid, solid, or gas, light, sound, even brainwaves. The science of Quantum Physics seeks to answer the question "what is energy?" and arrives at one of the most basic facts of the Universe, that "everything is energy". And apparently energy cannot be created or destroyed.  Once you really understand that everything is energy, then you understand that there is no such thing as separation. Physics has come full circle back to metaphysics.

So if everything consists of waves of energy at its fundamental level, then this same source of energy must flow around, within and through us. The fact that this energy is all matter, space, time and biological life, which to some suggests that it also has an underlying intelligence. One interpretation of quantum mechanics suggests that matter actually came from intelligence. So it makes sense for people to refer to it as a universal mind or collective field of consciousness.  The zero point energy field may be the most compelling news of our time.

The harmonics of energy vibrations are synonymous with our perceived categories of reality  There is a  vibration continuum as particles vibrate at increasing speeds and take on a more subtle, less dense form. The range may continue beyond what we have even imagined. Our five senses allow us to perceive on a physical level only a narrow spectrum of vibrations and we have devices to extend those perceptions a bit, however beyond that is mystery.
  • Sound:  25 to 25,000 vibrations per second or cycles/hertz
  • Electricity: 1 Billion vibrations per second
  • Heat: 2 Billions vibrations per second
  • Invisible spectrum of colour (including infra-red & ultra-violet): 500 Billion vibrations per second
  • X-Rays: 2 Trillion vibrations per second
  • The frequency of visible light: from 430 trillion Hz, to 750 trillion vibrations per second.
  Our own bodies are electro-chemical batteries operating electro-mechanical structures. There in enough energy in the form of  information within living cells for them to reproduce themselves and to actually create a new human being from a few cells. And within that being is all the information needed to be whole and complete and healthy. Learning to trust and work with these organic processes is a core message of the wisdom traditions, ancient and modern.

A thermostat illustrates an analog computer in that it is either off or on. Higher brain functions resemble a digital computer by assigning intellectual values to perceptional data, and working out a logical, rational procedure. But that takes time and effort. Most of the time an immediate decision is required: approach or avoid, like or dislike, accept or reject, do or don’t. And our fast-paced industrialized world requires ever more split-second choices. When driving 60 miles per hour, your body moves 88 feet per second. Rationalizations are often simply not an option.

Intuition is perhaps our most valuable asset. Even Einstein said that choosing what you will pay attention to is what counts. Fear motivates and keeps us alert, but paying too much attention to fear leads to a tragic downward spiral. Positive thoughts engender an upward spiral toward happiness, but can also lead to fuzzy or wishful thinking. Balancing the two is essential, but  it is a skill to be honed. Intuition gathers information even from non-local sources and helps us make better choices.The more you use it, the more dependable it becomes, like any other skill. At any moment any cell can be either in the growth mode or the protection mode. The protection mode consumes the very nutrients normally used for growth and maintenance of the cells.

We are hard wired to avoid danger. Conditioned reflexes operate both at the physical and psychological levels. If you put your hand on something hot, your brain sends a signal to move the hand before you even know there is a problem. This is commonly called a “gut” reaction.

Each of us made to feel we are “not good enough” on some level. The worst atrocities stem from a separation of the human psyche into a good and a worthless portion: “they are wrong, we are right.” Even the most seemingly caring parents often inflict extreme morality on a helpless child. Without rules there is anarchy but historically, piety can be very dangerous. War is usually about piety. Principles differ from rules by trusting the individual to do the right thing. While shame and guilt are tyrannical weapons used by society to keep us in line.

The way to go from protection into growth is through the heart. Fear, hate and indifference will drag you down, cut you in half and make you a slave to a system or an “ism.” Caring, gratitude, and forgiveness will put you on an upward spiral. It isn’t rocket science; just treat others the way you want to be treated.

Either you care or you don’t, so what's it to be? Making a commitment to be more spiritual begins with being more compassionate and caring, being willing to look at things differently,  learning to trust the deep wisdom within. Recognize fear, unkindness and hate and choose something better. Start to see yourself as a kinder, gentler person and your experiences will reflect that.

In the Sanskrit doctrine of Tat tvam asi -- in other words, "Thou art that", which asserts that everything you think you are (Subjective), and everything you think you perceive (Objective), are undivided. To fully realize this lack of division is to become enlightened."

Increasingly it seems that everything is energy and it is intelligent. And this energy ivbtates, and there are patterns to this vibration. AM and FM radio are energy patterns as are light and sound. We can't see all light or hear all sounds because our bodies are constructed to detect the spectrum portions that are useful to us. We can construct devices that can detect AM, Fm, Xrays, gamma rays, and now even gravity waves, etc.

Quantum Physics indicates that two particles that are entangeled affect each other instantly even at great distances.Two studies published in 1983 demonstrated that willow trees, poplars and sugar maples can warn each other about insect attacks. Physicists are offering  Proof of Psychic Abilities and Remote Viewing. The Law of Attraction tells us that we have the ability to attract into our lives whatever we are focusing on.

The central issue seems to be: To What Will You Pay Your Attention. 

Monday, August 27, 2012

So What's New about the New Age?

One of the most intriguing aspects of the new age is recent insights into human history. Another new area is the question of what reality really is. Apparently our brains are  normally only interested in informing us of just enough information for survival. Reality is much more complex than it appears to be.

We  not only have a new physics and a new biology that has revealed that nature cannot be reduced to matter. But we have a new understanding of our past that tells us life on our planet has undergone extremes which we had scarcely imagined. Apparently most of human history has yet to be explored.

During the Ice Age humans had been nomadic, following the animal herds that lived on the lush vegetation at the melting edges of glaciers. The run off water formed rivers and fertile deltas where humans learned to plant food crops, and build homes. This was the beginning of architecture, not just homes but granaries and municipal and religious buildings, roads, and cities.

Stored food had to be protected so a hierarchy evolved of protectors and administrators. A portion of the population was given power to govern and decide not only what would be allowed/disallowed, but who would own what. So that paradigm began with ownership, but as it grew and was politicized it gradually led to militarization, colonization, and exploitation of all sorts. This continued until eventually almost everything became commodified, for sale to the highest bidder.

The mind/body connection is a popular New Age topic. Perhaps this will lead to a better understanding of the mind/body disconnection which has become so chronic that we have deeply betrayed the future generations economically and environmentally.

"Power corrupts; absolute power corrupts absolutely."

The idea of "dominion over the earth" was used to justify objectification and subjugation in ways that are unsustainable if not downright immoral. Eventually as the church gained more power over governments, that power was also corrupted. About 500 years ago it was decided that science could only deal with matter, while morality was to be regulated by the church. This led to a schism or power struggle between science and religion. For a long time, science would not settle for recognition of anything beyond the material universe, while the church would not recognize secular morality.

One of the effects of religion has been to divide the human psyche into a good and a worthless portion, "we are right, they are wrong". The first part of any oppression is to dehumanize the group which is oppressed. Such  objectification is a demotion or degrading of a person or class of people, or an animal to the status of a mere object. The more it becomes acceptable to slur or demean, the easier it becomes to slaughter. Objectification begets violence, abuse, and exploitation. It is a dismissal of the intrinsic value of the objectified to justify cruelty, often towards women, wildlife, the disadvantaged, or or the enemy. The worst inhumanity invariably comes under the guise of religious bigotry.

For thousands of years, up until about 150 years ago (the time of Charles Darwin), the central theme of western thought was the noble struggle of mankind under the egress of the Divine. A God who created the universe, set it going, left, and hasn't been seen since, with the exception of rare supernatural revelations about morality, mostly prohibitions "thou shalt not." A non-interventionist creator -- who permits the universe to run itself according to natural laws, but may show up again to reward or punish those who did or did not follow his law.

After Darwin it was presumed humans were doomed by our genetics, victims of our DNA. There was a dreary tendency toward strict adherence to the physical reality and rejection of ideals. Naturalism commonly refers to the viewpoint that only laws of nature operate in the universe, and that nothing exists beyond the natural universe. Philosopher Paul Draper wrote, naturalism is "the hypothesis that the natural world is a closed system" in the sense that "nothing that is not a part of the natural world affects it."

Especially in the media, Naturalism portrays us as victims of our environments and circumstances. Instead of featuring man’s free will, naturalists emphasized the deterministic nature of human life. In other words, man's fate is dictated by factors other than his own free will. People may try to do better, but they are small and ineffectual compared with the natural environment. The universe, indifferent to the state of humankind, will go on regardless of what humans do. Seen as deeply impacted by hereditary and environmental factors, people became tragic characters, victims of circumstance.

Such alienation can be seen as the result of a long history of Dualism, which is the moral or spiritual belief that two fundamental concepts exist, which oppose each other. Dualistic cosmology is the polarized religious belief that the universe is created or governed by two deities or spiritual forces. Dualism as a philosophy is a materialistic set of mechanistic, linear views about the relationship between mind and matter as defined by Issac Newton. Nondualism is a term used to denote affinity, or unity, rather than duality or separateness or multiplicity.

The next paradigm seems to be some version of  Nondualism. The old scientific paradigm would have us believe that whatever isn't measurable or somehow quantified, isn't real. Only very recently physics and metaphysics have come full circle and embraced each other. New Age describes a movement in western culture to explore spiritual matters without the constrains of any set religious doctrine.

The Winter Solstice date of December 21, 2012 is a rare event. In astronomic terms, the Sun conjuncts the intersection of the Milky Way and the plane of the ecliptic. The Milky Way, extends in a general north-south direction in the night sky. The plane of the ecliptic is the track the Sun, Moon, planets and stars appear to travel in the sky, from east to west.

"The cosmic cross formed by the intersecting Milky Way and plane of the ecliptic was called the Sacred Tree by the Maya. The trunk of the tree, the Axis Mundi, is the Milky Way, and the main branch intersecting the tree is the plane of the ecliptic. Mystically, at sunrise on December 21, 2012, the Sun - our Father - rises to conjoin the center of the Sacred Tree, the World Tree, the Tree of Life... The Sun has not conjoined the Milky Way and the plane of the ecliptic since some 25,800 years ago.

Due to a phenomenon called the precession of the equinoxes, caused by the Earth's wobble that lasts almost 26,000 years, the apparent location of the Winter Solstice sunrise has been ever so slowly moving toward the Galactic Center. Precession may be understood by watching a spinning top. Over many revolutions the top will rise and dip on its axis, not unlike how the Earth does over an extremely long period of time. One complete rise and dip constitutes the cycle of precession.

... By using an invention called the Long Count, the Mayans fast-forwarded to anchor December 21, 2012 as the end of their Great Cycle and then counted backwards to decide where the calendar would begin.... The Great Cycle, lasting 1,872,000 days and equivalent to 5,125.36 years, is but one fifth of the Great Great Cycle, known scientifically as the Great Year or the Platonic Year - the length of the precession of the equinoxes. To use a metaphor from the modern industrial world, on Winter Solstice CE (Common Era) 2012 it is as if the Giant Odometer of Humanity on Earth hits 100,000 miles and all the cycles big and small turn over to begin anew. The present world age will end and a new world age will begin.

Over a year's time the Sun transits through the twelve houses of the zodiac....Upping the scale to the Platonic Year - the 26,000 year long cycle - we are shifting, astrologically, from the Age of Pisces to the Age of Aquarius. The Mayan calendar does not really "end" in 2012, but rather, all the cycles turn over and start again, vibrating to a new era. It is as if humanity and the Earth will graduate in the eyes of the Father Sun and Grandmother Milky Way."

Knowledge is not wisdom. In spite of, and maybe even partly because of the astronomical acumen of the Maya, they apparently conquered, enslaved and abused so many people that a huge revolt wiped them out. So there was simply no one left to continue their calendar. Abuse of power led to greed and hubris.

It has been almost 100 years since these idea that All Matter is Energy was first put forward by Einstein and others. And since this has become accepted as fact by scientists world-wide, more evidence of validity is also apparent from studies of quanta and objects in far distant space. In The Tao of Physics (1975 Fritjof Capra), represented a rejection of the world as machine, and went back to the notion of an organic, living, and spiritual universe.

Carl Jung predicted long ago that someday quantum physics and psychology would come together. This integration is a fascinating aspect of the paradigm shift in science right now. In her book, The Intention Experiment, Lynne McTaggart discusses research in the field of human consciousness, which she says supports the theory that "the universe is connected by a vast quantum energy field" and can be influenced by thought.  Science as a whole can no longer neglect such things as parapsychology, meditation, and holistic medicine. Intuition or "spiritual guidance" is now seen as more common guide to enlightenment and growth than, say, rationalism, skepticism, or a scientific method.

So Jung introduced a new level of subtlety. And in  a similar way New Age energies is yet another level of subtleties. Apparently many other worlds exist besides this one, invisible to us but real. We seem to be hearing that modern research is leading to a new world view that unites physical science with psychology, philosophy, and religion -- a new model of the universe. People are discussing ideas like holistic mind-body interaction, the beginning of the universe, and of life, and quantum physics. Biologist, Bruce Lipton is known for promoting the idea that genes and DNA can be manipulated by a person's beliefs.

Quantum mechanics gives us a picture of the world that has changed our perspective on reality itself, raising profound questions about concepts such as cause and effect, measurement of time and space. Two quantum particles can interact at a distance in a way that seems almost telepathic and even in the complete vacuum of empty space, there is still a vast amount of energy.

Both the quantum world and the metaphysical world can be understood as one unity if we adopt a new point of view about a multidimensional model of the universe, based on recent developments in physics and biology. We cannot see the multidimensional reality because our senses are limited to three dimensions, yet the higher dimensional environment may be a more substantial reality than our world -- if our three-dimensional world is only a subset of the multidimensional system.

As an interrelated set of holistic principles is developed, and the multidimensional world is then explored with this holistic logic system, we look for plausible answers to many unresolved questions, such as the mind-body interaction, the inner structure of the human psyche, the true nature of life, and the creative nature of evolution.

It is apparent that things are quickly changing in very profound ways and some things seem to be falling apart while scientists sit and discuss abstractions. That which is unsustainable must fail, along with the institutions supporting it.

A stellium of 7 planets in Aquarius in February 2021 marks a global energy shift fron 3D consciousness into 5D consciousness. 3D consciousness is viewing things from a purely physical state. You are seen as an individual that is separate from others. Life feels like “the survival of the fittest” and you are identified by the way you look, the job you have, and the people you surround yourself with. Living in fear is about missing out or not having enough.

In 5D, we experience an intense feeling of oneness and connection. 5D consciousness does not think about the physicality or duality or matter but rather talks and understands things happening to connect itself with its ultimate purpose. In the 5-D world, intuitive knowing is the way to operate. A natural by-product of awakening in higher frequencies is a strong intuition, this is the dimension of light and unconditional love, spiritual awakening process.

Monday, January 11, 2021

Spiritual Awakening

It is well-documented that people’s view of the world —no matter how strongly believed—may well be contrary to the facts, even contrary to physical law. All of these aspects of mind can be manipulated by experts, and by others. Religion is the oldest form of control. Religions of all sorts have been used for millennia to justify war and genocide in the name of god.

A “spiritual awakening” is a shift in perception. If your previous sense of self, or your individuality, had been one of separation from others and “the survival of the fittest,” there may be a deep desire for a sense of peace and oneness and connection.

So a spiritual awakening is, generally speaking, a newfound awareness of a unative consciousness or higher level of reality. A spiritual awakening can be gradual or rapid, and it can mean different things to different people.

Sometimes a life-change, paradigm-shifting event jolts you into a new level of awareness. It may be triggered by traumatic life events, and often happen at the most unexpected times, but one thing you should know, they will usually happen when you need them most.
However, it is not necessary to wait for something drastic to happen in our lives until we learn to shift our consciousness and become more spiritually awakened and aware. Alternatively, a series of gentler, minor awakenings may occur until you are fully awake and aware. Sometimes spiritual awakening is a slow, gradual process that happens when a person understands that their existence goes beyond the confines of the "I" or the ego.

Also, we can shift our consciousness deliberately. By practicing mindfulness meditation for spiritual awakening, we learn to be more present in any moment. Being mindful and fully aware of what is going on around us, is a spiritual awakening process that takes some practice. However, as we learn to stay in the present moment on a regular basis, this spiritual awakening experience will eventually lead us to a higher level of consciousness and a permanent state of spiritual enlightenment.

When you turn on a radio or TV you can tune in loud, raucous, harsh or violent programs or soothing uplifting serenity. A central issue in life is to what will you pay your attention? Your attention determines the experiences you have, and the experiences you have determine the life you live. Or said another way: you must control your attention to control your life. A central part of spiritual awakening is about a consciousness upgrade.  Attention shapes the brain, whatever we focus upon actually wires our neurons. What captures your attention controls your life.

Some of the most inspiring, informative, and deeply compelling experiences are associated with death or impending death (NDE) which researchers claim share similar characteristics including detachment from the body, feelings of levitation, total serenity, security, warmth, the experience of absolute dissolution, and the presence of a light.

Mindfulness is another approach. Mindfulness means maintaining a moment-by-moment awareness of our thoughts, feelings, bodily sensations, and surrounding environment, through a gentle, nurturing lens. Mindfulness is "maintaining a moment-by-moment awareness of our thoughts, feelings, bodily sensations, and surrounding environment, through a gentle, nurturing lens.”

To take that definition a bit further, mindfulness requires a nonjudgmental acknowledgement and acceptance of our thoughts and feelings; acknowledging our feelings but judging them (e.g., providing a value judgment like “I shouldn’t be thinking that” or “That’s a bad thought to have”) would not qualify as practicing mindfulness.

It suggests that our human existence is one of spiritual unconsciousness and encourages us to "wake up' to an existence of spiritual consciousness." This awakening occurs when, for whatever reason, the ego somehow let's go so that a Higher Self or Spirit can arise within. It suggests that our human existence is one of spiritual consciousness.

There is a series on Amazon titled SPIRITUAL AWAKENING.  This is an overview and explanation of the spirit world.  Each of the four episodes is a different documentary about Religion and Science and eastern philosophy. You will surely find something useful in this documentary film.

Sooner or later we are confronted with the fact, that there seem to be more dimensions than the one reality we are living in and that we know so well. Many people say that we (individually and as a planet) are “awakening” or “waking up” from the 3rd to the 4th or 5th Dimension.

Ordinary 3D consciousness is viewing things from a purely physical state. You are seen as an individual that is separate from others. Life feels like “the survival of the fittest” and you are identified by the way you look, the job you have. Things are perceived as being good or bad and life is a competition.

4D consciousness begins to awaken to the idea that we are all connected and that there is more to life than what meets the eye.

Thoughts are powerful and can shift the way reality is perceived. Duality and the idea of good and bad is still experienced, but there is more compassion and understanding behind it.
There is an opening to the importance of diet, meditation and leading a healthy lifestyle.

Once you reach a 5D state of consciousness life becomes an adventure of growth and there is no such thing as good or bad. There is a higher purpose for all things and every experience holds meaning.

There are stronger feelings of love and connectedness with others, the planet and even the galaxies around us. Love and compassion reign supreme and there is a lack of judgement. You understand that everyone is just on their own journey.

Everyone is considered to be equal and there is a desire to live from a place of pure authenticity. You understand that your purpose is to live your truth. Once you reach a 5D state of consciousness, it is very difficult to go back to a 3D state.

"The process of Ascension merges you to a pure and divine source of pure energy. It uncovers your potentials and reminds you that you are capable of doing and achieving much more.

The term spiritual Ascension means a magical awakening of your soul into a higher level of consciousness. It is a vibration frequency that generates positive energy and light. It unleashes your innate powers and wisdom. The ascension is an evolutionary process that is multi-dimensional and confusing.

It is an inner rebirth and expansion of your mind, body, and spirit. You learn to shed off your old thought patterns, negative beliefs, mindset, and feelings. You experience a new being hidden and dwelling within you. Upgrading the awakening process denotes a better understanding of you.

Ascension is not about becoming a superhuman. Rather it is a mere process to define your priorities in life. You let go of your human urges and worldly desires. It helps you to move towards spiritual goals and ascend to a higher realm of spiritual connection. Ascension is an experience that gives freedom to your soul. Soul frees itself from earthly ties and realizes the true joy of life.

Does the process discover what life really is? Your mental awakening motivates and inspires you to bring desired changes in your life that you have long craved for. It is like getting up from a dream and realizing the supreme power that lies within us. Ascension has immense power to unleash positive energies of growth and progress. You become strong and free-willed to define your destiny and carve it the way you want."

Thursday, December 7, 2023

Religion and Spirituality

There is much talk about deconstructing religion in light of recent discoveries of the nature of organized religion. The Internet often presents only two choices: Christian or Atheist. Unfortunately, most people also assume that spirituality and religion are one and the same, but this assumption is wrong.

eligion generally refers to organized systems of beliefs, rituals, and practices around a deity or deities, with an established community of followers.
Religion presents you a set of beliefs, dogmas and "holy men" as intermediaries between you and "God."
The history of religion refers to the written record of human religious feelings, thoughts, and ideas. This period of religious history probably begins with the invention of writing about ~5,200 years ago. The prehistory of religion involves the study of religious beliefs that existed prior to the advent of written records.

Four religions— Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, and Buddhism —account for over 77% of the world's population, and 92% of the world either follows one of those four religions or identifies as nonreligious, meaning that the remaining 9,000+ faiths account for only 8% of the population combined. Only a few decades ago, a Christian identity was so common among Americans that it could almost be taken for granted. As recently as the early 1990s, about 90% of U.S. adults identified as Christians but religion has experienced a sudden decline. However this seems to be a way of clearing out the old to make room for a new perspective, a whole new paradigm.

Religions are supposed to be all about faith and spirituality. However, religion is much like any other organization that has leadership, and has income and expenses like a business. In fact, there’s a lot of money that goes through religious hands, and it isn't necessarily used for charity. The European monarchs all embody the power struggle between church and state over who holds the supreme authority in the physical world.

YouTube and the Internet in general has become a veritable smorgasburd of spiritual ideas. Dr. Robert Gilbert tells us that
this is part of an era of the expansion of esoteric knowledge and consciousness.  The most popular "New Age" theme is about using your mind to alter physical reality. But there is a sinister side to this that you may not be aware of. Artificial intelligence is no longer a far-fetched idea out of a sci-fi movie. We're living with it, here and now. A scammer could rent AI to use artificial intelligence to mimic anybody saying anything.

There is an increasing number of websites where anybody with a computer and the credit card can gain access to very powerful softwares that will
clone the voice and images of  anyone to say anything and make it seem believable. These
cybercriminals are not just taking advantage of people to steal money, but also to represent themselves as gurus or spiritual adepts or prophets qualified to give spiritual advice. There are many such sites on YouTube. Sme AI creations have helped illustrate truth, but Internet discretion is in order.

Over the centuries, the relationship between science and religion has also seen conflict and hostility. But there are recent indications of collaboration. In philosophy of mind, the hard problem of consciousness is to explain why and how humans and other organisms have qualia, phenomenal consciousness, or subjective experiences. The science of "vibes" shows how everything is connected. The "resonance theory of consciousness"  posits that synchronized vibrations are central not only to human consciousness but to all of physical reality. All is energy in vibration.

Spirituality is the belief in something beyond the self that connects all beings to each other and the universe. In a way, this reminds us of household spirits to land, forest, and water spirits, which were a very real part of the daily lives of our ancestors. Shamanism is an ancient spiritual practice found in cultures around the world from ancient times up to the present day. It involves a practitioner (shaman or saman) interacting with the spirit world through altered states of consciousness, such as trance. The goal of this is usually to direct spirits or spiritual energies into the physical world for the purpose of healing, divination, or to aid human beings in some other way. Beliefs and practices categorized as "shamanic" have attracted the interest of scholars from a variety of disciplines, including anthropologists, archeologists, historians, religious studies scholars, philosophers and psychologists.

Spiritualism is a belief system or practice that revolves around the idea of communicating with the spirits. It often involves mediums or psychics who claim to connect with the spirit world. Spirituality encompasses a consciousness-based vision of the world that supports all human beings on their path to awakening in unconditional love and kindness. Spirituality is concerned with the present, while religion deals with the future.

Quantum mechanics may actually strengthen the connection to the divine. A 2004 hybrid film and documentary, What the Bleep Do We Know!? seeks to explain the connections between science and spirituality. The film that explores the connection between quantum physics and consciousness through visual effects, story-telling and interviews with experts. It was a radical departure from convention.

Gamma waves are associated with large-scale coordinated activities like perception, meditation or focused consciousness; beta with maximum brain activity or arousal; and theta with relaxation or daydreaming. These three wave types work together to produce, or at least facilitate, various types of human consciousness, according to Pascal Fries. But the exact relationship between electrical brain waves and consciousness is still very much up for debate.

People in the spiritual community talk a lot about keeping a super high vibration, but what does that really mean? Everyone’s vibration is different, and everyone has a different vibration. High vibration is a thought form. Kindness is a light thought form that can go clear across the universe faster than the speed of light. That is high vibrational energy. A low vibrational energy is a thought that cannot even make it out of the Earth’s energy, such as anger, hatred, or resentment. We use these negative vibrations to keep us grounded on the planet.

Spiritual guides tell us that you have an incredible power inside of you, and you CHOSE to incarnate here and now. If you had a very high vibration, you would actually leave the planet and no longer want to be here anymore.We need to understand that we can reach the highest levels of vibrations and still stay on and help the planet. spiritually importantpeople.                                                                            
Right now there are a lot of people in crisis; our planet is in crisis. A soul always gets to choose whether it will incarnate or not. We are not sent here against our will. All souls are then free to exist in the ether or they can choose to incarnate as humans on earth (or perhaps other beings on other planets.

There are apparently two trillion galaxies in the latest estimate for the number of galaxies in just the observable universe. Each is made up of many stars and  planets and most are much older than our own galaxy. So the idea of humans being the most evolved beings is not realistic. Human technological civilisation only dates back millennia (at most). Just imagine what it might be in a million years or more.

If there are 100 billion suitable planets in our galaxy, if the origin of life is highly probable, if there are billions of years of evolution available on each such planet and if even a small fraction of technical civilizations pass safely through the early stages of technological adolescence, magic and religion

Arthur C. Clarke codified this idea that "Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic." Belief in magic exists in all societies, regardless of whether they have organized religious hierarchy including formal clergy or more informal systems. While such concepts appear more frequently in cultures based in polytheism,
animism, or shamanism. Religion and magic became conceptually separated in the West where the distinction arose between supernatural events sanctioned by approved religious doctrine versus magic rooted in other religious sources. With the rise of Christianity this became characterized with the contrast between divine miracles versus folk religion, superstition, or occult speculation.

The multiverse is the hypothetical set of all universes. Together, these universes are presumed to comprise everything that exists: the entirety of space, time, matter, energy, information, and the physical laws and constants that describe them. Several versions of a generic "multiverse" concept appear in physics.

"All is one" seems to be a state of mind obtainable after extensive meditation of ingestion of hallucinogens may apparently broaden consciousness extensively. Near death experiences frequently have the same result. Often people express this in terms of a transcendent reality beyond mere physical experiences.

On the Internet there are many spiritual people, psychics or people who have psychic or Near Death experiences that are apparently "trancendent" of ordinarily reality. The law of attraction is a philosophy suggesting that positive thoughts bring positive results into a person's life, while negative thoughts bring negative outcomes. It is based on the belief that thoughts are a form of energy and that positive energy attracts success in all areas of life, including health, finances, and relationships.

At death there’s a break in our linear stream of consciousness, and thus a break in the linear connection of times and places, but biocentrism suggests that consciousness is manifold and encompasses many such branches of possibility. Death doesn’t truly exist in any of these; all branches exist simultaneously and continue existing regardless of what happens in any of them. The “me” feeling is energy operating in the brain. But energy never dies; it cannot be destroyed.

5D is a term that is becoming a popular way of describing the shift that is taking place within our consciousness as individuals and as a collective consciousness. There are a few different perspectives on what is 5D, ranging from a physics-based explanation of dimensions to some people who regard the shift to 5D as a specific big event or moment in time that we will go through as a collective.

So it seems that we have uncountable planets in space and uncountable vibrational levels. Is one more real that the other? Or do they correspond so that physical reality is derivative or representative of energy patterns? Recent proof that neither space or time is real, but are energy patterns of vibration, then it may well be that God is not a human-like figure or any creature at all but rather the summation of all vibrations, universes, and everything -- which would be well beyond the comprehension of our brain. Reality is much more than any simulation or computerized program. There is no word in our language for that entity.

The concept of existence is directly related to levels of consciousness.... Our everyday experience is related to the physical realm, where our eyes and mind convince us of the undeniable reality of the material world.. Our physical consciousness is closely connected with this world, and being identified with it, it may seem that this is the only realm that exists. Our physical mind is focused on events and objects in the external physical world. It sees and knows nothing except them and does not go beyond their physical nature. However, there are also many other worlds (or planes of existence), invisible to our physical senses and incomprehensible to our physical consciousness. 

So what it all boils down to is the question: what will you do to manage your consciousness? A lot of negativity is thrown at us every day,just in the media alone. We all encounter bumps in our road.. So will you raise your vibrations from negative to something more worthwhile? And how will we choose to go about

  • In Hinduism there are said to be 330,000,000 gods.The most widely known Hindu gods  are: Ganesha, Shiva, Krishna, Rama, Hanuman, Vishnu, Lakshmi, Durga, Kali, Saraswati.
  • There are 176 Greek God names.
  • There are at least 15 Roman Gods: which are similar to the Greek Gods :Venus is Aphrodite in Roman clothing, while Mars is the Roman version of Ares..  In addition to Venus and Mars, the most significant Roman gods are Diana, Minerva, Ceres, Pluto, Vulcan, Juno, Mercury, Vesta, Saturn, Proserpina, Neptune, and Jupiter.
  • Egyptian Gods: Anubis, Bastet, Bes, Geb, Hathor, Horus, Neith, Isis, Nephthys, Nut, Osiris, Ra, Set, Shu, and Tefnut - stand out as being the most significant.
  • Norse Gods: there are 15 classic Norse gods  including: Andvari, Balder, Freya, Frigg, Loki, Njord, the Norns, Odin, Thor, and Tyr.
  • Aztec culture of Mesoamerica (1110–1521 CE) worshiped more than 200 different deities
  • Celtic deities  -Nearly two dozen remain of interest today: Alator, Albiorix, Belenus, Borvo, Bres, Brigantia, Brigit, Ceridwen, Cernunnos, Epona, Esus, Latobius, Lenus, Lugh, Maponus, Medb, Morrigan, Nehalennia, Nemausicae, Nerthus, Nuada, and Saitama
  • Japanese gods and goddesses include Izanami and Izanagi; Amaterasu, Tsukiyomi no Mikoto, and Susanoh; Ukemochi, Uzume, Ninigi, Hoderi, Inari; and the seven Shinto gods of Good Fortune, and others.
  • Chinese gods and goddesses include the "Eight Immortals," the "Two Heavenly Bureaucrats," and "Two Mother Goddesses."
  • Babylonian deities that retain historical significance: among the Old Gods are Apsu, Tiamat, Lahmu and Lahamu, Anshar and Kishar, Antu, Ninhursag, Mammetum, Nammu; and the Young Gods are Ellil, Ea, Sin, Ishtar, Shamash, Ninlil, Ninurta, Ninsun, Marduk, Bel, and Ashur.
  • Abrahamic / Middle Eastern Religions include: Christianity, Islam, & Judaism
  • Shamanic Animism the belief that there is a spirit in all of nature. Every plant, stone, tree, animal, place, insect, person, even object—has a spirit.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Resonance Networks


All is energy and all energy vibrates. Energy is always energy, though it has various forms such as light, sound, liquid, solid and other frequencies we may have yet to discover. Geometry is a visual affirmation of mathematical relationships. It shows the way energy looks when it takes form. Mathematics defines relationships between one object and another. Physics uses mathematics to describe the action of energy as it moves through the dimensional universe.

If you focused in closer and closer on the structure of the atom, you would see nothing, you would observe a physical void. The atom has no physical structure, we have no physical structure, physical things really don’t have any physical structure! Atoms are made out of invisible energy, not tangible matter.

Energy tends to organize itself into regular intervals and rhythmically harmonious patterns, automatically creating fractals, Fibonacci Sequences, and other complicated patterns we are still discovering, such as a thorus, which is short for Theodorus, which in Greek means "Gift of God."  A branch of Greek philosophy described Sacred Geometry as the blueprint of Creation and the genesis of all form. This ancient science explored the energy patterns that create and unify all things and the precise way that the energy of Creation organizes itself. On every scale, every natural pattern of growth or movement conforms inevitably to one or more geometric shapes. As you enter the world of Sacred Geometry you begin to see as never before the wonderfully patterned beauty of Creation. 

Morphic resonance is a process whereby self-organising systems inherit a memory from previous similar systems.  If this is true then these fields seem to precede the physical realm which hints of a quantum reality of consciousness that precedes matter.

When a liquid or a gas turns into a solid it forms a crystalline pattern according how the atoms and molecules are charged electrically. If we could truly understand this we might see that all objects have an electromagnetic relationship to other objects. Most of the planets must have been mostly or totally molten during the last stages of their formation or were covered in molten rock that has crystallized. So the earth has a crystalline structure.

Albert Einstein proved that everything in the universe is energy. Both in the physical plane of our reality of matter and the abstract reality of our mind are made up of energy patterns. We do not know of any way it can be created or destroyedEnergy comes in different forms: Heat (thermal), Light (radiant), Motion (kinetic), Electrical, Chemical, Nuclear energy, Gravitational. The electromagnetic spectrum is the range of all possible frequencies of electromagnetic radiation, an extends from low frequencies used for modern radio to gamma radiation at the short-wavelength end, covering wavelengths from thousands of kilometers down to a fraction of the size of an atom. 

The long wavelength limit is the size of the universe itself.  The short wavelength spectrum limit is in principle, infinite and continuous. Radiant energy is the energy of electromagnetic waves. The "electromagnetic spectrum" of an object is the characteristic distribution of electromagnetic radiation emitted or absorbed by that particular object. 

Often energy can be observed only indirectly when two types of energy interact. A crystal radio set is simply an audio amplifier with a probe which is moved about the surface of a germanium crystal to pick up signals from radio stations. Radio and television uses an antenna which is a system of conductors to transmit and receive energy waves. In a transmitting antenna, the signal from an electric circuit causes electrons in the antenna to oscillate. These vibrating charges generate electromagnetic radiation which is then transmitted through space as rotating magnetic fields.

Resonance affects molecular geometry. A chemical bond is the result of an attraction between atoms or ions. The types of bonds that a molecule contains will determine its physical properties, such as melting point, hardness, electrical and thermal conductivity, and solubility.
Biological forms also exist as energy grid fields fir the life-force energy. As we move through space and time, our body and mind is a sort of energy matrix. Paying conscious attention to the body's subtle energies can produce physical, psychological, and in some cases spiritual benefits. Outside of the normal methods of measuring energy is much for which we have as yet not find adequate words.

The human body has a flux or flow of electricity through it so in a sense the human body is an electromagnetic coil or antenna. Human DNA which is a supercoiled two stranded molecule acts as an antenna and is known to emit electromagnetic radiation. You have many generic stem cells in your blood stream that are apparently switched on, not by DNA, but by a signal from the subconscious mind. Think of it like a radio signal that is powerful enough to affect even cells that are removed some distance from your body.

Magnetic fields are areas where an object exhibits a magnetic influence. The fields affect neighboring objects along things called magnetic field lines. The poles are places where field lines come together, such as the north and south poles of the Earth. All magnetic objects have field lines and poles. It can be as small as an atom or as large as a star. Also, there are various higher order energy patterns and interlocking energy fields. 

Though electromagnetic waves exist in a vast range of wavelengths, our eyes are sensitive to only a very narrow band. Since this narrow band of wavelengths is the means by which humans see, we refer to it as the visible light spectrum. Normally when we use the term "light," we are referring to a type of electromagnetic wave that stimulates the retina of our eyes. In this sense, we are referring to visible light.

 Normal acoustic sound that normal humans hear is a very dense slow moving energy form. The hearing range of normal humans tapers off at about 16,000 to 20,000 cycles per seconds. Sound is a physical frequency that some say can be encoded with thought forms like a hologram.  Dolphins have the ability to send and receive sonic frequencies of 180,000 cycles per second. Sound waves ten times faster than normal humans can perceive.  Dolphins also have the ability to project multi-dimensional holographic images onto sound waves (patterns) and series of clicks can encode encyclopedic information that another dolphin can perceive and understand.

Resonance is also crucial in the design of a fine violin or modern concert hall.  In most pitched musical instruments, the fundamental note (first harmonic) is accompanied by other, higher-frequency harmonics. The relative amplitudes (strengths) of the various harmonics primarily determine the timbre of different instruments and sounds. Our ears tend to group harmonically-related frequency components into a single sensation. Rather than perceiving the individual harmonics of a musical tone, we perceive them together as a tone color or timbre, and we hear the overall pitch as the fundamental of the harmonic series being experienced.

Biologists have found it hard, using only physics and chemistry, to explain the way that living things grow into their normal forms. Most biologists have assumed that these difficulties just reflected the current limits of the science, and that in time an appropriately detailed application of the rules of physics could explain all biology. A minority, however, have held that something beyond physics was needed, some kind of non-physical "blueprint."  There is growing evidence that humans may have input from more than just five senses.

Biologist Rupert Sheldrake developed a theory of formative causation involving morphogenetic fields (see his A New Science Of Life, J.P. Tarcher, 1982). Sheldrake's brilliant contribution was to take what have been fairly loose ideas about morphogenetic fields and formulate them into a testable theory. Briefly, the theory goes as follows: Morphogenetic fields carry information only (no energy) and are available throughout time and space without any loss of intensity after they have been created. They are created by the patterns of physical forms (including such things as crystals as well as biological systems). They help guide the formation of later similar systems. And finally, a newly forming system "tunes into" a previous system by having within it a "seed" that resonates with a similar seed in the earlier form.

Thus, from this perspective, the DNA in the genes of a living system (like an oak tree) does not carry all the information needed to shape that system, but it can act as a "tuning seed" that tunes in the morphogenetic fields of previous systems of the same type. Morphogenetic fields are thus the repository of what might be described as genetic habits.

In addition, these same concepts can be used to explain some of the mysteries about human memory. In effect, our brains are not so much libraries as they are sending and receiving stations that leave a continuous trail of experience imprinted in morphogenetic fields (Akasha) and then "recall" previous experiences by tuning into that trail.

Morphogenetic fields are universally available and continue to exist regardless of what happens to their original source. We naturally resonate most strongly with our own past mental states. In other words, each of us broadcasts on a unique channel. But the information stored in the morphogenetic field is apparently stronger and accessible over "more channels," what Jung called the collective unconscious.

Both sound and light are measured in frequencies. Sound is oscillations in the 100's to 1000's of cycles per seconds. Light is oscillations in trillions of cycles per second. Mathematically you can speed up sound waves by forty octaves (doubling them forty times) and you come up with frequencies within the parameters of light wave oscillations. 

Sound creates waveforms and has a relationship to geometry. Harmonic related sounds are used to create geometric fields. Spherical harmonics are an example. The Pythagorean triangle(345 triangle) can be expressed through specific harmonic ratios. The Pythagorean triangle can be used as a building block for using harmonics to create many different geometric waveforms.

Harmonics are the geometric multiples created by the vibration of a specific object. The resonant frequency of an object is determined by its size and the waveform by its shape. The smaller an object in size the higher it's frequency and the shorter it's wavelength. There are sounds that are not specifically three dimensional in nature and originate from other dimensional spectrums. They do not have 3-d qualities.   

When used in a highly specific configuration similar rotating magnetic fields may tap into a dimensional energy spectrum that could be manipulated by an advanced civilization or group of conscious beings who have the knowledge of how to do so. Certain types of stones or crystals, especially when put in special geometrical configurations may be able to access certain phenomena that is normally inaccessible in our 3d spatial continuum. 

A morphic field is a field that holds something in place. Fields exist just about everywhere created by movement, geometry, light, sound and other waveforms. Fields can be created when music is played. Morphogenesis (from the Greek morphê shape and genesis creation, literally, "beginning of the shape"), is the biological process that causes an organism to develop its shape. It is one of three fundamental aspects of developmental biology along with the control of cell growth and cellular differentiation.

The process controls the organized spatial distribution of cells during the embryonic development of an organism. Morphogenesis can take place also in a mature organism, in cell culture or inside tumor cell masses. Morphogenesis also describes the development of unicellular life forms that do not have an embryonic stage in their life cycle, or describes the evolution of a body structure within a taxonomic group.

Morphogenetic responses may be induced in organisms by hormones, by environmental chemicals ranging from substances produced by other organisms to toxic chemicals or radionuclides released as pollutants, and other plants, or by mechanical stresses induced by spatial patterning of the cells.

This is a way of accessing an energy source, a technology for accessing an energy field. Magnetic fields are used in a highly specific configuration to tap into a dimensional energy spectrum that might be manipulated by an advanced civilization or group of conscious beings who have the proper knowledge of how to do so. Such a monolith contains an array of data that could be accessed through resonance patterns. Certain types of stones or crystals when put in certain geometrical configurations and then subjected to acoustic energy specific frequencies (window frequencies) are able to access phenomena that is normally inaccessible in our 3d spatial continuum.

There is a space time energy axis and the earth and other planets are connected to it. There are energy nodes at specific places along the earth's ley lines (see below). These node points can be used to access hidden energies. Is there also technology that allows advanced consciousness to tap into this energy source. 

There are patterns of harmonic energy involved and manipulations of these patterns using the correct technology allows access to the spacetime energy axis. Space itself is a force that interacts with matter like a clock (or a stable oscillator) that vibrates in a regular way like an atom. Space itself has regular harmonic vibrations of electric energy. All matter in existence has come from space which is essentially electrical in nature. There is only one electrical force in the cosmos. All other forces come from, and are a part of this one "monolithic" force. 

Matter is composed of node points in various patterns of distribution or interlocking energy fields. The Periodic Table of Elements describes the basic node types of the atomic structure of ordinary matter. Certain molecular combinations yield a higher order energy patterns, such as Quartz crystals, which have the ability to take one form of energy and transfer it into another form of energy or Transduce Energy. Quartz crystals can turn mechanical energy into electric impulses and electric energy into mechanical energy. This is referred to as the piezoelectric effect.

When a specific number of crystalline structures are aligned together in a highly specific geometrical pattern you can create a crystal grid. This grid of structures, or set of crystalline structures in some configurations can be used under the correct circumstances to generate energy fields that possess specific geometrical forms.  One such configuration is called the six pointed star  configuration pattern. In this configuration 6 crystalline structures of similar size are used. The structures are arranged in a pattern so that 6 of them are placed at the points of a hexagon with the termination (points) pointed inward. Since many crystals are hexagonal in nature an etheric crystal is supposedly being created by aligning six crystals in a hexagram configuration pattern.  In the center of this star crystalline grid structure it has been said by some individuals that the energy fields converge into the center to form a pillar (tower) of light. A hexagram imposed on another gives 12 points, the clock, the zodiac. From this is derived the mystic circle.

Some crystals, particularly quartz crystals have the ability to take one form of energy and transfer it into another form of energy. Quartz crystals can transduce energy. Quartz crystals can turn mechanical energy into electric impulses and electric energy into mechanical energy. This is referred to as the piezoelectric effect.

The concept of a universal energy flow is not a new one. The ancient Chinese called this flow chi; the ancient Hindus called it prana. The disciplines that developed in those two cultures - t'ai chi and yoga, respectively- are based on the art of tuning in to the flow of energy and using it to center the self. Chi is the twenty-second letter of the Greek alphabet (X, χ), which in Chinese, literally means energy, (pronounced Chee), the vital life force energy of the Universe, present within every living thing. Ancient Far Eastern traditions focus on Chi - the life force energy which flows through the pathways (meridians and chakras) of all living forms - in order to maintain health and wellness, mentally, physically and emotionally. Chi is a Chinese word meaning aliveness, life force energy or life breath - also known as Ki, Qi or Prana.

"Theories of traditional Chinese medicine assert that the body has natural patterns of qi associated with it that circulate in channels called meridians in English. Symptoms of various illnesses are often seen as the product of disrupted or unbalanced qi movement through such channels (including blockages), deficiencies or imbalances of qi, in the various Zang Fu organs. Traditional Chinese Medicine seeks to relieve these imbalances by adjusting the flow of qi in the body using a variety of therapeutic techniques.'" - Wikipedia.

Feng Shui (pronounced Fung Shway) describes rules in ancient Chinese philosophy about the art of placement to enhance the flow of "vital life energy" known as Qi. Practitioners believe that rooms, buildings and all environments can be arranged and decorated in a way that maximizes the flow of Qi and, resulting in improvements to health and happiness of those who live in that environment.

Feng shui considers factors such as space, weather, astronomy, geomagnetism, the principles of yin and yang. The negative effects of secret arrows or sha and the five phase theory of seasonal healing in determining the most auspicious location for a building or an activity. Its guidelines are compatible with many techniques of agricultural planning, as well as architecture and furniture arrangement, and even personal relationships.

A Chinese almanac, or imperial calendar, provides a guideline that either promotes or advises against certain tasks being undertaken on certain days depending on the combination of the Heavenly Stem and the Earthly Branch. The ten Heavenly Stems are the five elements of water, wood, fire, earth and metal. The Twelve Earthly Branches are the twelve animals of the Chinese astrology: rat, ox, tiger, rabbit, dragon, snake, horse, sheep, monkey, rooster, dog and pig. The stem and branches express each other in a 60-year cycle in terms of the five elements in their yin and yang states. To view a monthly updated English Almanac click here.

Training on the principal concept of “The Tai Chi”- understanding yin and yang, considers the co-relation between the two.  “The Tai Chi” can be as small as a grain of sand or as large as the universe, there are no limits. Where two forces co-exist – tangible and intangible, they encompass the six energies, the five phases and a myriad of objects and forms.
In ancient China, Feng Shui was taught to disciples at a very young age through the recital of poems “shi-jing”. Their interpretations and meanings were shrouded in archaic language aimed to keep its secrets only for the devoted few.

In those days, the practice of Feng Shui was not only a matter of finding a suitable site for dwelling, the actual building tasks also had to be taken seriously in terms of sequence and timing in order to ensure harmony. The best dates and hours to carry essential tasks – felling trees, breaking or leveling the ground, setting the base, aligning the ridgepole of the roof, tiling the roof, digging the well and finally moving in, required prudent attention to heighten harmony and forestall adversity. They believed firmly that human modifications of landscapes do not simply bring about surface changes but create conditions that influence and even control the fortunes of those who occupy the site.

An energy vortex is formed in a place where focused thoughts and feelings have gathered in unison of common vibration. Such energy vortexes can often be found at the sites of schools and universities, large companies and organizations, temples, churches and mosques. Wherever people have gathered or an extended period of time in common purpose with powerfully focused intention you will find a energy vortex, usually a thorus. Sometimes these groups were drawn to gather at these sites by preexisting man-made vortexes, or by naturally occurring geographic vortexes. Such natural vortexes are often found in mountain ranges and at the confluence of converging bodies of water.

Vortexes are a focusing and pooling of the natural life energy, sometimes called “chi” or “prana”. Prana energy flows about us all of the time, but energy vortexes create a situation where the energy becomes focused and magnified in one spot. We are then able to literally steep in the focused energies of the vortex when we go to these places. Being in the vortex can help us to more easily achieve a special focus of thought or feeling. Some vortexes are known for healing, or for a profound sense of peace, or for stimulated creativity or endeavor. Some energy vortexes, such as special temples in India, are known for their ability to help us to break out of negative patterns or karma. 

Ley Lines
Just as humans have energy meridians and chakras in their auric field, the earth is considered by many to have energy lines running along her surface. Animal paths often follow these lines and animals typically give birth, create nests, or rest over blind springs, indicating to him that these spots emanated some form of "restorative property". These earth energy lines crisscross the entire surface of the planet at regular intervals, creating a grid and are part of the Earth's energy system. Ley lines have fundamental similarities and differences. They both form a network of force fields over our planet and seem to affect animal an human behavior, although in different ways, with yin, yang and balanced (yang-yin) fields.

Since ancient times our ancestors knew that ley lines, earth grids and vortexes were energy sources and centers that were to be considered holy. The ancients of each civilization knew something of the paths of the ley lines. Native cultures in the Americas called them the Spirit Path. The Chinese understood them to be a balance between the yin and the yang and the Aborigines of Australia called them Song Lines.

Plato recognized grids and their patterns, devising a theory that the Earth's basic structure evolved from a simple geometric shapes to more complex ones. These shapes became known as platonic solids: cube (4), tetrahedron (3), octahedron (8), dodecahedron (12), icosahedron(20). In Timeaus, Plato associated each shape with one of the elements, earth, fire, air, ether, and water. The Earth's energy grids, from the beginnings of its evolutionary course, has evolved through each of these shapes to what it is today. Each shape, superimposed, one upon the other to create a kind of all encompassing energy field that is the very basis of Earth holding it all together.

Planetary Energetic Grid Theory operates through geometric patterns called Sacred Geometry. Grids meet at various intersecting points forming a grid or matrix. This is equivalent to the acupressure points on our bodies. These grid points can be found at some of the strongest power places on the planet.

Bill Becker and Bethe Hagens discussed the code of the Platonic Solids' positions on Earth, ascribing this discovery to the work of Ivan P. Sanderson, who was the first to make a case for the structure of the icosahedron at work in the Earth. He did this by locating what he referred to as Vile Vortices refer to a claim that there are twelve geometrically distributed geographic areas that are alleged to have the same mysterious qualities popularly associated with the Bermuda Triangle, the Devil's Sea near Japan, and the South Atlantic Anomaly. Chris Bird punished "Planetary Grid" in the New Age Journal in May 1975. After meeting with Bird, Becker and Hagens completed their Grid making it compatible with all the Platonic Solids, by inserting a creation from Buckminster Fuller's work. 

Some people have described Leys or Ley lines as the grid patterns formed by drawing connecting lines between ancient megaliths, stone circles, and other ancient monuments. These monuments are said to mark the intersection of telluric energy currents (the natural electric currents that make up the earth's magnetic field). Many claim these areas are associated with increased paranormal activity, or 'gateways' for supernatural or inter-dimensional beings.”

Many energy vortexes are thought to to be associated with Ley Lines and have been found to be extremely strong at points where the lines cross. Worldwide, the Great Pyramid in Egypt and Stonehenge in England are perhaps the most well known as centers of vortex activity. Some describe the vortexes as points of energy and the Ley Lines the connectors between these points. 

More modern vortex energy flow theory and classification systems may include electromagnetic theories about how magnets attract or push and pull, with labels of magnetic inflow and outflow areas. Masculine and feminine labels are used to explain energy flow patterns - females have a tendency to excel in introspection and awareness of personal feelings so the term “female vortex” would be used to label the inflow of energy. Conversely the masculine principle matches that with outward, assertive expansiveness of the upflow energy pattern. 

Also, some thought Ley lines to have positive and negative polarities. But there is likely that there are changing celestial force that energize ley lines as in Astro-cartography. The idea of malefic and benefic in astrology has been replaced with a more enlightened understanding.

19.5 degrees latitude >
Planetary Energetic Grid
Planetary Energetic Grid

19.5 is called the 'tetrahedral constant', because of its significance in tetrahedral geometry (a tetrahedron is a pyramid shape composed of four equilateral triangular sides): the apexes of a tetrahedron when placed within a circumscribing sphere, one of the tetrahedron's apexes touching the north pole, the other three apexes touch the surface of the sphere at 19.5 degrees south latitude. 
-  On the Sun: sunspot activity and the region of peak temperatures is limited to 19.5 degrees north and south.
-  On Venus: the presumably active major volcano complexes Alpha and Beta Regio are near 19.5 degrees.
-  On Earth:
  • Mauna Loa, Hawaii (19 degrees 28 minutes N, 155 degrees 37 minutes W) The largest shield volcano is at 19.6 degrees north. This is Mauna-Kea volcano on the island of Hawaii.
  • Mexico City, Mexico (19 degrees 23 minutes N, 99 degrees 10 minutes W) The Pyramid of the Sun at Teotihuacan is at 19.6 degrees north.
  • Dzibalchen, (Yucatan), Mexico (19 degrees 28 minutes N, 89 degrees 46 minutes W)
  • Georgetown, Grand Cayman Island (19 degrees 18 minutes N, 81 degrees 26 minutes W)
  • Mount Emi Koussi, Chad, Africa (19 degrees 47 minutes N, 18 degrees 34 minutes E)
  • Mount Kalsubai, (near Bombay), India (19 degrees 33 minutes N, 73 degrees 43 minutes E)
  • Mountain near Xiangkhoang, Laos (19 degrees 17 minutes N, 103 degrees 17 minutes E)
  • Mountain near Potosi, Bolivia (19 degrees 13 minutes S, 66 degrees 22 minutes W)
  • Yasur Volcano, Tanna Island, Vanuatu (South Pacific Ocean) (19 degrees 31 minutes S, 169 degrees 25 minutes E)
  • Mount Samuel, Northwest Territory, Australia (19 degrees 13 minutes S, 134 degrees 8 minutes E)
  • Gweru, Zimbabwe, Africa (19 degrees 31 minutes S, 29 degrees 49 minutes E)
-  On Mars: the "vast" Olympus Mons shield cone volcano is at 19.5 degrees. (see Mars)
-  On Jupiter: the "red spot" which is an obvious vortex is at 19.5 degrees.
-  On Neptune: in 1986 Voyager II discovered a similar spot at 19.5 degrees north.
It has been found to be associated with various ancient structures here on earth, like Giza pyramids, Avebury (the largest stone circle in the world, near Stonehenge), Pyramids of the Sun and Moon at Teotihuacan, etc. It is also worth noting that the Egyptian hieroglyph for Sirius, the brightest star in the sky which was extremely important to ancient Egyptians, is an equilateral triangle which can be viewed as a 2-dimensional representation of a tetrahedron; and in the Egyptian translation, it means a doorway... a sort of 'stargate'.

Richard Charles Hoagland holds that vast amounts of energy originating from dimensions we cannot perceive are available at latitudes 19.5° both south and north on the Sun and every planet in the solar system. Hoagland points to the colossal volcano, Olympus Mons, on Mars as the supreme example, in addition to Earth's biggest volcano, Mauna Loa on the island of Hawaii, and the Anticyclonic storm on Jupiter. The center of Olympus Mons is at 18.3°N 227°E.and the massive shield spans 14°N to 24°N. Jupiter's Great Red Spot is centered at 22°S. None of the twenty strongest earthquakes in history have had epicenters near 19.5°.

Hoagland notes, among many other things, that the anomalous energy being radiated by the giant planets of Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune can be explained by Hyperdimensional Physics.  In essence, these planets’ energy output is “over unity”, i.e. they are giving off more energy than is being absorbed from the Sun energy impinging upon them.  Furthermore, when Uranus and Neptune are “normalized” (i.e. their different distances from the Sun are taken into account), these two planets are roughly equal in their output.  Hoagland then explains that all of this can be accounted for if we assume:

“The existence of unseen hyperspatial realities... that, through information transfer between dimensions, are the literal ‘foundation substrate’ maintaining the reality of everything in this dimension.”   

 19.5 degrees >

 19.5 degrees >

Quantum entanglement, also known as “Quantum non-local connection” in simple terms, means that things like quantum particles of light, for example, can communicate instantly over vast distances of time and space. If there were to be communications from another planet or dimension, it would likely be at a quantum level.

The problems scientist have with this are that for this to happen then information might be traveling faster than the speed of light, and this doesn’t sit comfortably with some scientists. But For Rupert Sheldrake, the activity of the mind is not limited to the brain. “Our minds may be like fields, morphic fields,” he says. “I think members of social groups are linked by morphic fields. Flocks of birds, termite colonies, schools of fish, herds of animals, even plants — they have a field that includes the members of the group and links them to each other, even when they move apart. The field stretches and continues to connect them. Apparantly these connections provide the channel for telepathy, and for effective intentions, such as when someone intends to phone another, the other person picks up the intention and starts thinking of the first person. Then the second person’s phone rings and he says, ‘That’s funny, I was just thinking about you.’”

Because our entire reality/universe of matter and phenomena are all moving/vibrating and we are a part of the 'whole' we affect the system we are embedded in. The more perfectly aligned the internal psychological resonance the more aligned the external physical environment and unfortunately vice versa - which is how the learned identity (defensive thought system) is formed in childhood.

Resonant/consonant wave movement is well understood in the fields of physics - mechanics (physical vibration), acoustics (sound), and electromagnetism - related to how different things or phenomena are linked into an unified, resonating whole (continuous vibratory movement) or can cause interference patterns. But, all things in the Universe - from physical objects, mental processes, psychological states, psychic phenomena, to cosmic forces are interconnected/united in this process of vibration and resonance. We are an integral part of the system/reality - which coincidentally underlies the fundamental common call of all religions' for personal transcendence/purification.

"Always remember, thoughts are things!" - that one's beliefs, ideas, and emotions will be manifested as energy that connects/resonates or interferes with events in reality. As a part of the whole vibrating system, we should always be conscious that we CAUSE or evoke phenomenon/ experience through our internal resonance or interference patterns of conflictedness. It has to do with sleep when you are connected to the 6th sense of hearing not ordinary hearing but a cosmic resonance of Universal vibrations a state of psychic union with all life a state of intuition
All universe reality is vibratory energies. Thus, there can be physical resonances such as tuning forks, musical instruments, voice, etc. There is also mind resonance on many levels.    -paraphrased

We have finally found the place where science and spirituality meet. The Zero Point Field is an energy field in which it all comes together, a field in which time and place are not relevant. It is an transcendent energy field from which maybe mankind can learn a great deal about how to live.
